These are the kind of people that live near me and why I'm planning on relocating to Edinburgh Scotland once my production plant nearby is up and running and I have reliable management. USA has now become very scary.😱
These voters feel betrayed by Cheeto and his oligarch buddies. We can make fun of them and let them run back to MAGA as a lazy way out. Or, we can offer them help, hope, and let them know that these too are signs of strength: and vie for their mid-term votes and flip House, Senate, & state offices.
It could be five guys who love the Golden Corral Buffet too much, unto itself. Or, it could be psychologically damaged men hanging out together. Probably the latter, which left untreated, has been allowed to have anger and resentment fester into the MAGA umbrella. That is the outcome of untreated.
A built-in psychological wall around them, trying to shield themselves from a multi-generational cycle of abuse and poverty, possibly including having been molested by who knows how many relatives. Psychologically damaged men with built-in protection walls. Sad tales behind those walls.