This week MAGA extremists in South Carolina introduced a bill mandating the death penalty for women who seek an abortion. And I am guessing this is probably the first you’ve heard about it. Sadly, corporate media remains criminally silent on these grotesque attacks on women’s health and basic rights
South Carolina bill 3537
Means woman can be put to death for an abortion!
They are hoping SCOTUS will pass it from one of the red states.
4 things u can do
Raise your voice
Support nonprofit
womans health
Contact them
Listen to this article and fight
Fuck them all!!!!🖕🖕🖕🖕
It's nonsensical.
As is patriarchy.
There, fixed that for you.
We just had an election, and women- comprise a majority of the population- declined abortion protection amendments in 30% of states across the country even though those amendments protected their bodily autonomy.
"Making a profit" is secondary.
There, fixed it for ya, ya wanker.
And what's with calling me a wanker? I didn't attack you in the slightest.
Profit comes first?!
You attacked the First Amendment!
You said it, now live with it. Ya UnAmerican tosser.