I'm inclined to say tiger purely because I know how much wolfeyvgc touts the devastating power of incineror. I feel like nerd might have a better move pool diversity but I'm not a "taking it to the lab" type of guy I know buzzswole is big stats wise
I hate that I have so much rando knowledge of pokemon. I love the franchise and have played in a couple tournaments, but man, that knowledge could be so many other things... Lol.
So funny thing is I've ever considered myself a Pokemon fan, like I'm in the sphere but it was a healthy appreciation of it, but after starting playing the tabletop game I've been picking up alot of stuff. Even if not everything is 1:1 between the two it is cool seeing the differences and why
Yeah ultra beasts make things really complicated and rough when doing categories. At least pseudo/600 club is consistent (or whatever term for the country your in)
I don't think Jock can do much against Ghost Maniac Olga over there, so he is probably weakest typewise.
(Yeah, bug is super effective against the psychic Gothitelle, but that's it. Ghost is immune to fighting and resists bug.)
Which gets a 2x power boost if they are holding anything. Knock off hits like a TRUCK. It's why so many teams have a lot of pokes with Knock Off if they can learn it.
Probably overanalyzing or something, but the effort that went into this.
Figuring out which pokeon each character would have, that suits them perfectly, posing them all, the background, all come together in a flawless image.
Exceptionally well done, thank you
Tiger has it simply because the Incineroar. Gothitelle and Metagross are strong, but Gothitelle fits more as a supporting option, and Incineroar basically hard counters Metagross.
it's between porygon2+metagross and incin+arcanine
i'd probably say nerd, because those two are pretty strong by themselves.
tiger's team needs a damage dealer for that incin to be useful
I prefer Tiger's fire types, but Nerd has multiple different types on his team, giving him an edge in battle.
Tiger is best overall, no one can actually hit her weaknesses, stat spread is most balanced around entire team; but relies on abilities for her win.
Jock has an actual legendary (Buzzswole) but
(can't remember name) but emo girl is 4th in power.
Satan has the best movepool spread and most busted typing, but has a team of babies, so gets smeared.
Was mostly going off my best memory of things but glad to see that was still pretty close to accurate 😁
(Yeah, bug is super effective against the psychic Gothitelle, but that's it. Ghost is immune to fighting and resists bug.)
(Looking at you, Rillaboom with Grassy Surge)
Figuring out which pokeon each character would have, that suits them perfectly, posing them all, the background, all come together in a flawless image.
Exceptionally well done, thank you
There's the best flooff.
Don't judge me!
Love the name tho.
It's Tiger edging out Nerd just a fraction of a hair! 🤏