I don't know if light at the end of a tunnel exists or not, but your poems truly have been a soothing balm on my soul no matter how trying & dark times have been the past 2 years. Glad to have found your account Sir!. Hope you are doing well, happy thanksgiving ✨
I saw your tweet yesterday wondering if your poetry matters (but I can't respond there). I'm sorry for your struggles. Your Odysseus poems went straight to my heart during a time I was separated from someone I love. So much of what you share has touched me in one way or another. Thank you.
Mr. Fasano, I NEED so much right now to see and hear and think about beautiful things. I’ve been reading and rereading everything you’ve shared. Thank you.
Susceptibility to religious / spiritual impulses is determined by brain chemistry and brain construction. It didn't go over well in my Brooklyn Roman Catholic family when I decided at age 4 there is no such thing as god. People need real help, like crisis counseling...
The amount of agony people carry are the burdens, woes, hurts & disappointments of our respective lives. We were NEVER meant to carry such a heavy burden in the first place, but once we chose to carry a burden, God *still* intervened & sent Jesus who said, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2011%3A28-30&version=AMP
Thank You. I needed this. 🙏