I read this poem a few years before my mom died, painfully, of brain cancer. Because of this poem, I didn’t hesitate at all to crawl into her hospital bed and snuggle with her, like I was a little girl, because I needed my mom and she needed me and hugs and holding. I’m so thankful.
💔 it's been 13 hours, 11 days, 8 months and 7 years. I can still see, smell and feel your agony as you left us, mourning your little girl. I miss you so much #KizzasWings 🦋
the old woman is dormant
shaman watches in silence
let things flow in
their own rhythm
rushing will only bring us
to our destination
ahead of time
in the wrong moment
From "Elegy on a Spider," by Dick Barnes
Well she's gone now and I'm sorry —
the spider whose web was stretched
in the cove between wall and cupboard
over the sink in our kitchen...
O only a tiny loss —
to mourn it would be silly
but she was beautiful
and if not a friend, familiar.
Grief's Familiar Rooms
shaman watches in silence
let things flow in
their own rhythm
rushing will only bring us
to our destination
ahead of time
in the wrong moment
I wrote some on the same topic you can read here: https://lpearcelearning.com/2022/04/30/two-poems/