I was iffy about mentioning this and risking making the process sound legitimized, but it's true that one cost-cutting measure shady PMs take when faced with tiny budgets is trying to cut out the translator entirely by sending a machine translation to editors to clean up.
Reposted from
geekycatlady (Anett) | Handcrafted Stories
Interesting thread! I'd like to add that with "mobile" there is a non-zero chance that no human ever saw the text and it was translated by AI/MT, which would probably explain most of the weirdness.
• Unreliable accuracy - MTL likes to make up plausible-sounding things because that's how all generative algorithms operate. Catching and fixing this requires re-translation, which takes time and money, defeating the purpose of emplying MTL to start with.
- Tight deadlines
- Restrictive rules
- Priority on other more urgent bugs