As some in the media try to pass off Trump's rather marginal popular vote win onto Black and Brown voters: the data tells the story. White voters turned out in big numbers. Black and Latino men turned out in weaker numbers but it was Trump who brought out low propensity male voters of all races.
sucks now.
Don’t you think there should also be a manual recount in these states? And the other swing states - at least? It might take forever - but 🤷🏿♀️
trump: “We don’t need the votes, I have so many votes.”
bannon’s army “deployed” to “election counts.”
Prof Halderman testified “malware can alter voters’ votes.”
patrick byrne talked about the “hand of god” ‘disabling’ Dems “go switch” that he equated to Dems getting early votes.
That made the difference.
Whike everyone I know voted for Kamala and Tim, I totally understand the Palestinian Americans and young progressives who felt like that was the deal-breaking issue, voted Blue except for President
that his favorite guy wins, he is ordering us to be happy, and to celebrate Christmas no matter what our feelings are, because if we order taken dems don’t, his guy that he advised indirectly will celebrate our demise.Persist!
that’s what they do,once in office, Trump will take credit for all of Biden’s accomplishments, and his followers will believe him 😡
They managed to make it a choice between two insanities. They failed to do anything meaningful to prevent it, meaning they were feckless, incompetent or complicit.
Don't blame voters for impossible choices
actually stayed home and did not vote. And so when the country goes to Hell, they should keep their mouth shut and not say anything because they had a choice and their choice was to stay home.
That's what it's all about.
Minorities, LGBTQ, and women are climbing up socioeconomically.
And they fucking hate it.