That's gonna be one hellav book or rewrite. They are working overtime with these BS nominees. Distractions are the way they move the goal post. America is going to get this shit sandwich, whether they want it or not.
Well, good thing we have video and not just the written MAGA word so history can see the truth itself. Our purpose now is to write the history of MAGA as one of America's greatest failures.
And in the meantime, making themselves look like spineless idiots. Sadly, though, enough people believe everything he says so history might be rewritten in his favor. It is sickening.
You have the power to stand up to him. If your network caves to him like everyone else is, you must leave and continue to truth tell somewhere else. We lose if everyone bends the knee
Mark my words, First, they are going to expunge both of Trumps impeachments in the House and then they are going to pass a resolution declaring that Trump actually won the 2020 election.
Trump's patriots, a melee of striking others w/American flagpoles, punching windows, p'ssing & pooping in the Capital, having Hawley fist bump then sprint through the hallway in fear, Cruz & MSG w/their 1776 bullsh't, death & dying for a LIE keeping the LIE going. "Will Be Wild"! I'll pass!
It is horrific to think that so many mentally deficient Americans (aka MAGAts) think this pumpkin-headed idiot is the answer. You people are in an F'ing cult!
.All those who have gone to kiss tRumps ring, Besos, Cook, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Elon, Washington Post, NY Times… represent the billionaire class! Their intention is to visually show the world their acceptance, as they want US to concede again too! It’s a SCAM!!!
.Biden, Pelosi, Clyburn, Harris fought for the status quo/coporate and donor dollars. Pelosi’s Conally’s bid is testament to the strategy ; ice out the democratic energetic youth. Obama did the same appointing RGB, neglecting the future.
.All those who have gone to kiss tRumps ring, Besos, Cook, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Elon, Washington Post, NY Times… represent the billionaire class! Their intention is to visually show the world their acceptance, as they want US to concede again too! It’s a SCAM!!!
You can't serve the working class and billionaires. He can't deliver for both. History is going to call it like it is. The cult is real but the 2.5 million Americans who voted for Trump over Harris are not the cult. They are just ignorant and about to learn. Trump's legacy will always be failure.
What's the Abraham Lincoln quote? “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time."
You're sure it's not to install a fascist oligarchy that will destroy the very fabric of what the USA purports to be, kill thousands by banning vaccines and causing a near complete economic collapse; all to enrich a handful of beta-nazis?
They want to be able to say, "We were right and you were wrong." They can't and don't want to admit that the man they supported all along is as heinous as he is.
Yes! And 45 himself looking for some big legacy, because history will take a dim view of their policies (and under the narcissism I think he knows and fears that). Maybe make Canada a state?
Yep, “Jan 6 hoax” is one of them. They need to heap massive propaganda, a la Goebbels, on the US public (and the world) to make everyone believe Jan 6 was a hoax. We’ll see. Certainly off to a good start with the press seemingly too scared to write accurate headlines in case they upset Trump.
The whole purpose of Trump right now is to (a) make as much money as he can during his 2nd term; (b) get laws enacted that allow him to make as much money as he can for as long as possible; and (c) exact revenge on anyone & everyone who offends or offended him, past, present & future.
OF COURSE! All hail Roy Cohn! Chump's education from Mr Cohn has been apparent from the beginning.
Check it out. His Cohn education explains a lot regarding the 2020 election. Seriously.
Even his new fragrance, "Fight, Fight, Fight!". Hmmmmm, Roy Cohn's rule #1: Attack, attack, attack. Sound familiar? Rule #3: No matter what happens, always claim victory. " Does that sound familiar? Think 2020.
#SCOTUS Trump case gives strong Art. II,Sec 3 "Take Care" power to enforce the law 1USC§106b! It blocks Courts & Congress from interfering w @POTUS' discretion: ie, NO Deadline or rescission issues. ERA Publication Legal Analysis (see ftnts) #BidenPublishTheERA
Trump’s “greatness” is nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion built on lies, corruption, and the blind loyalty of those too caught up in the con to see the damage he’s done.
The idea that a white man can fail, bigly, after Obama held that office is too much for them to handle psychologically.
In challenges all of their preconceived notions about white superiority.
Also they cannot accept that eugenics is not a thing.
I don't think they really understand what holding office really means. You get elected FOR THE PEOPLE by the people. But they think it's a popularity contest. 'Let's see who can be more outrageous'.
Crashed the Farmers, Blew up steel and lumber, negligently created a pandemic that killed 1 Million Americans, Looted and Leveraged American assets: from international informants to the secret service for his own enrichment, broke the cordiality of transfer of powers, owned a child beauty pageant,
The CDC has no authority in China and the CDC went off information from the WHO.
The press wasn’t interested in talking about a virus because they were busy covering the impeachment.
When the impeachment was over and the administration brought it up, it was said that it was an attempted distraction
It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.
At the time he said this, it was a possibility.
The problem is that the virus was in the USA long before Dec 2019.
I got really sick in November and my doctor told me that we were having a heavier than normal flu season and that I would have to deal with for 4 to 5 weeks.
No, we didn’t. The CDC had tracked a case that they called “influenza of unknown origin” in late 2019 but the WHO said that the Wuhan virus was only spread from animals to humans and not human to human.
The WHO didn’t admit that it was the same virus in the heavier than normal flu season
“I like the numbers being where they are,” said Trump, who appeared to be explicitly acknowledging his political concerns about the outbreak: “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
And yet you spent four years attacking Joe Biden, destroying his legacy and lying about him just like you did about Hillary. Look in the mirror, sweetie.
Welp, the gates of hell are wide open ... MAGA in the House & Senate still need/want pardons - DJT too. They're all busy shaking down corporate leaders now. Next, they'll raid and sell off America's assets to the highest bidder until there's nothing left to repair...
.All those who have gone to kiss tRumps ring, Besos, Cook, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Elon, Washington Post, NY Times… represent the billionaire class! Their intention is to visually show the world their acceptance, as they want US to concede again too! It’s a SCAM!!!
I will never forget what I’ve seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears and refuse to take in gaslighting by those who Choose to speak lies, threaten & disgrace the Truth.
You people are so stupid lies Slander. A lie from 35 years ago that never happened his word verse hers… If you had common sense, why did it take 35 years to come up?
Lowest ratings in 30 years
Hell is real and you will burn it you devil
demon, hell no, I don’t support your demonic witchcraft, but you’re free to burn in hell if you want and that’s what you’ll do. Just like a homosexual or a child molester, I do not support their religious freedom, but they can burn in hell with you.
2 Pet 3:16 the ignorant unstable twist the truth, and it will end in your own utter destruction. You said it, so be it.
Do not fear those who can kill the body, fear, the one who can kill body and soul and send you to hell where you will be unless you repent
Unless someone goes after Fox News to prove they started this ( I’ve been saying this over 8 years) Trump takes over. Completely. He is intimidating people into his control. Republicans are not watching MSNBC or CNN- his followers claim you are the liars not FOX. They edit out the truth.
it's like watching 5 year olds at a birthday party full of sugar and overtired. Just hang on. The firings, infightings, abuse of power, and disastrous economic moves ahead will be his undoing.
damn what he does. I am OUT of this bull s”””. Disgusting.
"Our Failed Nation - How the Morons United to Outsmart Society"
The majority of the ridiculous magas still in office combined with an inept array of actors, commentators, & sports enthusiasts is a joke.
A guy who can’t even turn a profit at a casino, where the odds are so stacked in the house’s favor that NO casino EVER goes bankrupt except his.
A guy whose own wife hates him
A guy who spends every day in orange clown makeup
A 34 time felon
A sexual abuser
I give you an A in effort though.
Check it out. His Cohn education explains a lot regarding the 2020 election. Seriously.
I promise to be that little spot of blue mold on the Pain Blanc Puppet Brigade.
The north remembers.
People reference Hitler, but they sure as h_ll weren't approaching it that way. 🤔
At least 4 yrs... of this 🤡 act will reveal so much more of the LIE of America.
In challenges all of their preconceived notions about white superiority.
Also they cannot accept that eugenics is not a thing.
It was called the Wuhan virus and it was all over the world.
Beijing doesn’t get any blame?
How about the WHO?
Our system had successfuly contained Ebola, SARS, Bird Flur, MRS, MRSA, and Swine Flu,
Across 16 years. Donald Trump dismantled that system and then refused to acticate it for fear of electoral consequences.
The panic didn’t come until the Democrats knew that they could leverage the disaster.
It was the over reaction that hurt the economy, not the virus itself.
The press wasn’t interested in talking about a virus because they were busy covering the impeachment.
When the impeachment was over and the administration brought it up, it was said that it was an attempted distraction
The problem is that the virus was in the USA long before Dec 2019.
I got really sick in November and my doctor told me that we were having a heavier than normal flu season and that I would have to deal with for 4 to 5 weeks.
The WHO didn’t admit that it was the same virus in the heavier than normal flu season
- Donald Trump
Oh well - 97% warned them.
We make the fool stronger! Are we ALL insane!
We are creating that which we dont want !!!!
Stand up and force him to be the idiot that he is. We can’t do the same shit again
Post, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times Morning Joe
ALL kiss the ring
Yeah, fuck that
Lowest ratings in 30 years
Hell is real and you will burn it you devil
Do not fear those who can kill the body, fear, the one who can kill body and soul and send you to hell where you will be unless you repent
What are you suggesting?
And the MSM, especially MSNBC, take quotes out of context and spread lies.
He will always self distruct, it's his life story.
through control of our voting processes to maintain white supremacy.