Great show last night! Your passion about the decision to transfer power to a person who is trying to destroy democracy was very much appreciated by me. Thank you. 😊❤️
There hasn't been for decades, hon. The only difference now is that the grift and criminality is on full display since they make no attempt to conceal it anymore.
I know that's a rhetorical question...of course there's NONE. But let's give them the label they truly want..."Trump Confederates". And see how quickly they'll accept the term.
Absolutely not, the Republican party no longer exist, it's all Maga now. A cabal of criminals, rapists, traitors, seditionist, sexual assaulters, conmen, fraudsters, insurrectionist, liars, election denyers, pedophiles, adulters, every despicable thing one can think of, that's Maga!!
Why didn’t MSNBC break away from his speech this morning? He was blathering on lie after lie and yet they did not break away? Sorry to say I changed the channel. I will go back in time for Nicolle and you…
I'll read some of those hosts online, but I don't do the stress of watching any corporate media any longer. Change the channel and it's all the same. Cowardice with call letters. You name them. November 5 was it for me.
no, sadly, there is no integrity in the current GOP. they are a group of shameful liars. none of them have the courage to tell the truth about Trump... but history will hold them accountable.
I follow like 5,000 comedians on here and none of them will ever make me double over in more laughter-because-if-I-don’t-laugh-I’ll-immediately-die-a-thousand-deaths-inside-and-my-soul-will-disintegrate-and-also-I’ll-be-literally-dead as this did.
😂🤣☠️ x 100 bazillion @ republican “integrity”
Still wondering does the GOP want their party back, a democracy where their voices count or to live under the dictatorship of Trump in their own party and a kakistocracy & dictatorial system they helped to create where no one is safe.
Absolutely NOT - and at this point, I'm really starting to wonder about the gawddamn Democrats as well.
Maybe they're just too busy checking their stock portfolios or managed money accounts to save DEMOCRACY.
GOP's lack of integrity is directly proportional to the Dem leadership's fecklessness. Anyone got a secret billionaire in their pocket who can bankroll a few hundred of the next AOCs and Katie Porters?
No. Republicans support
Felony convictions of Trump and J6 rioters.
Liability for sexual assault.
Fraudulent business practices convictions.
Cheating at marriage, politics, business, & golf.
Lying repeatedly.
They raise kids with the same values.
You're so smart, Joy. Why are you wasting your breath? They have answered the question for you... how many times is it now? And if you think that you might succeed in shaming any of them by asking your question, then maybe you aren't as smart as I thought you were.
Sadly does it matter? It seems like they’re all about preservation, but it’s hard not to wonder whether I’d be trying to “survive” (from their perspective) too…it’s kind of what we’re doing everyday, do I let this slide, do I make a stand, and the country I’m a member of says let it slide. 😒
Exactly!! John McCain was the last shred of decency left in the Republican Party, and resistence that's why Trump hated him. The Republican Party died with his death.
Did you say that every day for at least six months before the election? But better yet, the NEWS should have said, "There is NO integrity in the Republican Party. You are the NEWS not a QUIZ SHOW. Instead of asking. Start telling and then say WHY you are correct.
The republican party was officially declared dead in 1995.
What remains is violent radical statists who've abandoned parliamentarian politicks for slavish devotion to extreme wealth and corporate power.
Nope!!! I honestly think maybe we should all start voting independently or as an independent and we could have an independent party and a democratic party because the Republican Party is not existent or should be nonexistent just a bunch of rich people off of their citizen
Nary a milliliter I’d venture to guess. NARY. I never use Nary. They’re soulless. There’s a reason they enjoy Pat Boone versions of otherwise amazing songs. They clap on one and three. It’s the bottom.
😂🤣☠️ x 100 bazillion @ republican “integrity”
Stop with the nonsense please. 🙏🏻
But you could also ask if there is yet an ounce left of the Republican Party? Answer still no.
Maybe they're just too busy checking their stock portfolios or managed money accounts to save DEMOCRACY.
Absolutely not
The answer has been “no” for a very long time.
Felony convictions of Trump and J6 rioters.
Liability for sexual assault.
Fraudulent business practices convictions.
Cheating at marriage, politics, business, & golf.
Lying repeatedly.
They raise kids with the same values.
Long answer: The republican party no longer exists. It's now a mix between a Neo-nazi cult and an organized crime syndicate.
Also MAGA: J6 was like, a really long time ago…we gotta look to the future.
What remains is violent radical statists who've abandoned parliamentarian politicks for slavish devotion to extreme wealth and corporate power.
I was under the impression that of it’s own volition it was slowly painfully eaten from the inside out.
Lack of it is prevalent in the gaggle of goose steppers.
Why would you think integrity should be a flex at this point in time.