I absolutely think it's important to cherish older games, revisit, and experience ones you missed. But..
I also think you can do all these things without the constant "gaming isn't what it used to be" type behavior, constantly looking down your nose at modern gaming.
I also think you can do all these things without the constant "gaming isn't what it used to be" type behavior, constantly looking down your nose at modern gaming.
Granted there weren't any microtransactions or lootboxes back then but they still found ways to rip you off!
Though I will proudly complain about gacha games and having to research which edition to buy.
My issue is they focus way too much on being mini movies. I want to play games, not watch a cut scene every 15 minutes.
Maybe there was a AAA majority sweetspot a few years back, but even now we see great games like BG3 & GoW that shun some of the modern nonsense while capitalising on the contemporary potential
I think video games are incredible now. The modern era, like all eras before it, has its criticisms. But there are so many incredible experiences now and ahead, it's wonderful.
I really enjoy all of my retro games, and always will! However, how can you ignore the greatness of God of War, TLOU, Baldur's Gate 3 etc? There’s room for all types of experiences! Not to mention all the underrated indies!
I agree though, just enjoy and stop comparing everything.
"Controller is best for FPS."
"No KBM is better!"
"PC is best."
"No console is better!"
I'm just sitting here playing Sega Genesis games not having access to a live chat with these people.
some gamers have been fighting since the start of gaming. the rise of the internet made it more accessible, but even now there are people who will argue over snes vs megadrive, so that's not a new thing.
I've come to appreciate certain old designs that I think are still worth experiencing, but not necessarily worth including in new games.
Sure there's plenty that we can deride in the modern industry but there is A LOT to celebrate too. With everything, trends shift and change but I think we're moving forward to better things.
The big single-player narrative experiences that I like still exist, but there's fewer of them now.
There are some annoying trends in modern gaming but there were also bad games back then too.
People *actually* just miss being young and having the free time / mental capacity to immerse themselves in games without industry awareness and constant responsibilities.
Young me and old me don't care too much about story and graphics. We like hard, mechanically and thoughtfully challenging gameplay.
Modern gaming still has indie developers trying new things but a lot of studios have been swallowed up by AAA studios who don't provide what gamers want.
Gameplay over graphics.
"the 80s/90s were the golden age of anime and everything now is trash"
lots of rose tinted glasses and bias selection going on. there was good stuff, but also bad stuff. there is bad stuff but also good stuff. you can enjoy both the old and the new.
it's not one or the other
There's not as much surprise when you know too much beforehand.
Though I would like fewer graphical improvements. I'm starting to get uncanny valley vibes from some games and it's not great.