Yeah I don’t know, this comic has always just struck me as one of those perfect pieces of art. It doesn’t try to be more or less than it is. It just fits its source material so well, adding to it without stepping on it.
I once worked at a small museum that, despite its fine natural history collection, was primarily known for having a two-headed calf on display. Although the museum had removed the calf from public view probably 30 years earlier, at least once a week a visitor came in asking about it.
The little calf had no special significance aside from being an oddity popular with the public, and it was removed when it became inappropriate to the evolving mission of the museum. I also heard that it saddened staff to see the calf viewed as "a freak of nature " as in the above passage.
I'm glad it was removed from display. There was one at a local museum when I was a child and it really upset me to see it that way, alone in a glass box (still does, as I obviously haven't forgotten).
Sad and happy at the same time. However tragic, life is never futile. King Arthur only temporarily stopped the Anglo-Saxons but the peace he won for the Britons can never be taken away, if historically brief.
My husband has to comfort me whenever I think of it (right now)
Seeing a Dog in the Rain
It is raining and there is a dog lying
in the gutter and the gutter is filling
with water because the sewer is clogged.
If the dog were alive he would be drowning
but as it is, the water is simply stroking his fur.
and the cool-ass instrumental alternative/indie song inspired by it:
What Did She See, At The End?
By Barry Petchesky