wonderful poem; it makes me want to take the writer for a long silent walk along the beach, and to urge writing more poetry, or wordless creative work, visual arts, or music.
strengthen the tissue, skin and organs around the wound. work on the discipline of self-love ... but, eventually, the wound itself has to be dealt with ... I highly recommend "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay ..... it is a game changer ...
This is the EXACT problem! Transitioning to that point where you can discuss what has happened to you with the freedom and analytical focus that you look upon someone else. Incredibly hard.😮💨
It took me over ten years to even start looking at things. There are things from my childhood I may never work through. But at least I accept it is there. Baby steps.
Anyone else know what it's like for your conscious mind to want to heal and move on from past traumas but another part of your mind just won't let go and keeps haunting you with it?
(from a trained professional) recount the traumatic experience, quickly and clinically, "this happened, then this happened, then this happened..", while someone, not sympathizing, keeps you emotionally present.
THEN recount again but backwards. "Before that this happened, before that this happened"
Creativity is a powerful tool for self-healing, because it does exactly this. You can reframe your worst moments in any form that inspires you, and gain catharsis. 🦋
I hope there's a way out for you, or anyone, like that, but it might be necessary to walk through the fire, and what's important is you know that you can handle it, because you can. Even if you think you can't, you can.
My last relationship was like this. I had to detach myself from every memory of her, or else the cycle of looping self examination would begin again. As they say, love is blind. My friends saw it, but I couldn't.
This is PTSD,which is ,when the memory arrives on the mental screen,all the emotions of that day,time continues; the pain fear nervous sweating breathing paranoia:if the sufferer can SEPARATE the energy that is attached to the image(s),this single act will stop the memory from bringing on the pain
Frequency 963
The numbers are the key to the universe
THEN recount again but backwards. "Before that this happened, before that this happened"