Surprise surprise, another poorly thought out executive order. They're just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Unfortunately, we are the ones who will have to clean up the shit-smear. Not clear on what is happening here(head cold making me fuzzy-headed). Will Trump counter rising lumber costs by deforesting National Forests, such as Ouiatcha (sp) NF in Arkansas?—asking for a friend with property there.
A bit complicated. The timber imports from Canada keep prices down.
Much of the American produced timber comes from private lands. Increasing production on Forest Service and BLM lands will have more ecological impacts than economic value.
God, I thought, there's another slang term I'm totally clueless about. Well, seriously, how's this going to impact new housing starts and what will the developers say about that? How long before groups of wealthy businesspeople rise up and go after the admin for the havoc they're creating?
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Nature items, such as rocks, bones, driftwood etc. collected while exploring a natural environment.”
Much of the American produced timber comes from private lands. Increasing production on Forest Service and BLM lands will have more ecological impacts than economic value.
It challenging, economically, to harvest from Southern Region National Forests.
Profit margins = thin to nil & besides, not quite enough mills in the region to economically process N.F. timber.