Hard not to feel like it was all a rug pull.
The generation that raised us, made us the most educated in history. Taught us to be compassionate, empathetic and said we could be anything we wanted to be.
Now nothing is affordable.
Nothing is in reach.
They want to erase who I am, and who I love.
The generation that raised us, made us the most educated in history. Taught us to be compassionate, empathetic and said we could be anything we wanted to be.
Now nothing is affordable.
Nothing is in reach.
They want to erase who I am, and who I love.
People Born in 1981-1996, howβs life?
I don't get it. And I never will.
Personally hating right now how I was told, "It doesn't matter what degree you have, just that you have one," when I was in college.
Now, bachelor's in history and minor in communication and even history museums barely respond back to me at best
Funny they preach about something they themselves lack.
Also, as is the case with me, most seem to lack financial responsibility, thus not leaving us any inheritance.
I don't think we the most educated but it does feel like all of us were promised the world and all we had to do was reach out and grab it.
And when we did we found it was hollow and destitute. They pulled an 18-year long scam on us.
Eat Your Young-ass generation fucked us all over by instilling genuinely great values in most of us and then punishing us non-stop for actually using the freedom they promised. Just absolutely vicious motherfuckers.
All I do is get more furious and more determined to be queer so loudly it reveals the possibility of queerness to the redcaps' grandkids en masse.
If anything was a rug pull in my life, it was that.
He attributes this to 'hard work' but neglected the incredible economy, job market, and safety nets he inherited. Then actively voted to destroy them.
I was raised to be accepting and welcoming and be charitable.
I am told people are outsiders to be scorned, especially those bums on the street.
I was raised to be kind and patient and curious.
I have been told off so often for being that to strangers.
Now go to hell" is how it seems.
Everything they're so AGGRIEVED about is just projection of their own insecurities. Now we're all paying.
So I got angry. And I said Fuck them, Fuck everything, I'm gonna breakthrough and help my friends while I do it and WHEN I do it β€οΈπ
(but also, aliens pls come save us)
And I'm sick of infighting between our generations. Just because I was born when shit already went to hell doesn't make me better than my older brother. It just gives me more reason to empathize.
We know things can be better, all of us.
It's even more infuriating seeing you guys get infantilized because y'all are in your 30s and 40s. I'm just 25. I wanna know peace.