here's today's post: "just a couple of dudes planning war crimes, as one does" — get ready for the Trump Gaza Golf Motel.
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thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter so you never miss a post —
We’re pissed off!
The constitution was ripped up & burned!
I’ve watched a lot of Holocaust / Hitler documentaries and this is exactly how it goes.
There are so many behind the scenes people carrying out orders.
45 & Project 2025 crew have been planning this for how long?
They’re overloaded.
He is a typical narcissist.
All me, me, me!
(I wonder if I can buy cheap eggs in Mar-A-Gaza?)
Gaz Vegas
Each invited dictator would create their own park: Trumpiland, Putinville, Erdogania, etc.
Just rough idea. I know this concept needs work.
Investors. He’s looking for investors.
He will probably find them.
*president, dictator, potayto, potahto.
Luxury hotels in Gaza talked about publicly years ago.
I’m in one of the countries being targeted by cult 45.
It takes fortitude to consume everything we need to know to make rational decisions.
"I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” he said. “I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job.”
Fire meet gasoline.
Google it.
What a moronic bozo.
Film at 11.
Hamas/Iran - You got spies & snipers right?
Days ago now makes sense. I know. I’m slow.
We're way past that.