Capitalism leads to monopoly. It isn't failing. It's working exactly as designed, concentrating wealth and power at the top while leaving 99% to suffer. If it were truly effective, we wouldn't need 800 military bases worldwide to enforce it or suppress societies that adopt alternative systems.
Ftr, even Democratic socialist nations incorporate some version of regulated capitalism.
Do they not teach economic or social theory anymore?
It’s worth a review if you want to understand alternatives to the way the economy works now and how & why things fell apart when countries tried other systems. Greed and power 🫤
The description of work and workers is outdated but it helps form a clear vocabulary and description of the dynamic you touched on
And since then the communist party (mostly criminals today oligarchs called) took over and they still is in power. Stalin was the money guy from Lenin. Stalin
I’m trying to wrap my head around corruption in stock markets/high finance. Greed? I don’t think that’s a strong enough word for what those guys are about. 😂
It’s pretty disgusting how disconnected it is from people.
There must be some kind of hybrid system that can take the positives of both and apply them, not just for the greater good, but also allow for individual upward mobility, innovation and personal success.
Social Security, Medicare/aid, Amtrack, etc. Many defense companies and aerospace companies like SpaceX are private but fully/heavily supported by the government.
But we're not a socialist country.
The price of everything will just skyrocket.
2 fold effect, 1st labor would now have more disposable income by not layimf taxes.
2nd, Business will shift the tax burden to consumers.
It’s not the weather 😃
I believe that what we are seeing now is less about capitalism per se and more about losing the safeguards necessary for it to work: regulation, anti-trust, keeping $ out of politics, etc. Thank you Reagan, thank you conservative SCOTUS.
This is my life under capitalism 💯
I 100% agree capitalism is flawed. But I cant think of a better system being practiced anywhere.
This is a real question, not an attack on your opinion. What system is working better. I'm open to change.
Since Reagan, and "trickle down economics", the consumer has been eliminated from the equation and the rich just suck money from the world & give nothing back.