I am a canadian and i ask myself why nobody ask trump what he's doing to stop the fentanyl on his side of the country like stoping the americans who bye the drug from the cartel and those american pushers who sell it to the americans !! And how about the illegal rifles who are sold in USA
Keep asking the tough questions Steph! Your country needs you more than ever right now. If you ever get to be at a press conference with any of them, wear heavy shoes 👞!!
I'm mad ...at dem leaders too! Where are they? Yeah, you guys have the same ones on all the time but where are the rest of them? We need EVERY SINGLE DEM REP out there/here EVERY SINGLE DAY... EVERY WHERE!
Love that you’re sticking with love because love leads to empathy and joy and humility and peace. Keep on pumping those rays of sunshine to remind us of why we have to fight for the true vision of the United States, unconditional love for each others souls.
🤮. Make sure u repeat that to yourself when Der Fuhrer comes after you and MSNBC for sedition and treason.
Suggest u pickup a weapon, learn how to us it and stand a post.
I have spent the day speaking to relatives and friends in Uk and Ireland. They are scared and shocked, not sleeping. Friday will live in infamy globally. I can’t offer any explanation. TASS in the Oval Office speaks to the intent. He only has x days left on this planet. Ask an Actuary
Amen to that. I feel a love for Starmer’s treatment for Zelensky. He needed that hug so badly. I cannot imagine a leader having to watch the sunrise each day knowing it just brings more death, pain, misery and destruction in Ukraine and must hope for a better day.
Stephanie please tell us if bonds are where are our retirement accounts should be parked while the market contends with the chaos of the current administration.
Your crypto rant tonight on air with @jenpsaki.msnbc.com was 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
Thanks for that reminder. Our Faith is not to be diminished due to circumstances never before seen. We are better, stronger, more determined than the fear that chances us.
Tell it to your billionaire Wall Street buddies. They think money is the greatest most potent force, and they might be right given how much control they have of OUR lives.
I enjoy watching your show and love to listen to the discussions. After watching the Trump/Zelenskyy White House video…and watching Trump put his hand on Zelenskyy left arm and gave him a little shove..I was shocked. I am wondering if there enough love left to save us. Please reread what I wrote.
I don't know if Stephanie rules intention is steamy sensuality but that is certainly what she does. Maybe it's unintentional but regardless she steams up the screen
Suggest u pickup a weapon, learn how to us it and stand a post.
Watch you at 8 my time 🤗
JFC, who am I kidding. Sorry. I just blanked out there for a minute and thought there was a way. Sorry.
Pleasant dreams.