To get us going on the cool cats starter pack (aka intellectual mavericks), post one cool and unusual paper that you like.
I can’t choose just one, so I’m not going first this time.
I can’t choose just one, so I’m not going first this time.
Asking for one of our organizers...
Anyway: just googled "maverick intellectuals starter pack" and, oh my...
See also the description etc.
I'll pick Gaia and Philosophy by Sagan and Margulis, just because there's a beautiful new Terra Ignota edition of it with a new intro by Dorion Sagan
Bateson, A Theory of Play and Fantasy (1955)
Smorgasbord of semiotics, cybernetics, psychiatry, ethology
If anything could convince me I should be doing material/intellectual history instead of philosophy, this would be it. Plus, lots of pictures!