Evolving, we needed to be territorial to protect food sources. We needed to give up some personal agency to a leader or council and believe them. Unusual things frightened us so we made up stories to explain them. Our brains accepted that as real. Etc.
Education today can help us understand and control these built-in flaws, but most people don't get that kind of education. They are controlled by outside forces manipulating their necessary but flawed emotions. So we re-fight the same battles over and over.
I understand & hear you. Many of us feel the same. We are fighting to stop the madness. Goodness & love motives us. I can’t walk in protests & have a husband diagnosed with the beginnings of Alzheimer’s but I signed up to write voters & I call my representatives. Hang in there. You are loved.
I think there will be a huge cultural shift back to the left. But it will be extremely important during that time of reconstruction to rehabilitate MAGA people, and this cannot be forced rehabilitation and re education.
It needs to be totally voluntary on their ends and we need to extend a hand
Civics ought to be mandatory and we need to teach critical thinking and avoiding factors that lead to the rise of facism.
We also need to avoid bringing politics and personal belief to classrooms. We can tone down the politicized lefty stuff but we must have rules of decorum protecting minorities
We have to avoid *becoming them* even if our personal beliefs are much less anti-social than theirs. We cannot even take an inch close to the lunacy they have. Based on all available metrics and data rn, we are right. But we dont need to treat our personal beliefs like they do, I.E. as a religion
Farmers woke up. Minority groups see their error, communities losing jobs, churches turned on him. As hard as it is to forgive those that voted for him, we will need to come together to change this. Medicaid ending will be the tipping point. All we need is a leader to unite us. Pete? Barrack?
My faves are those who have been fierce: AOC, Jasmine Crockett & Angela Alsobrooks. 💗 But they're all women. Will misogyny continue to be an issue in the Dem party? 🤷♀️
OK I exaggerated a bit (a lot). But my grandparents were there in 14. My parents were there in 39, so European 20th century history a passion of mine. I'm more recent vintage but not for long.
Yeah, I am thinking that maybe we need communities where the criteria is morals and decency rather than "over 55". Not a commune, a community. I put "No Trump" sign in my window and rural, wood-delivering guy talked to me about it because he felt safe to say how crazy it is to him, too. Hope?
It’s not humanity who you should be disgusted with, its the 36% of American voters and 40% of non-voters and the people they voted into office. The biggest group of humanity outside your borders are pretty nice people. While the US seems to have a hell of a lot of monsters masquerading as humans!
Don’t gaslight me, please. My political leaders do it enough. I see the Middle East. I see Russia & Ukraine. I see how the Uyghurs are treated, and how China treats Africans. I see Israel and I can see Palestine. I can see so much, and sometimes much worse, happening everywhere.
Use that energy to help make it better. Get out your phone and don’t stop sending messages until we’re big enough that we can bring this thing to an end.
We have to be the example
and on death day, we go with dignity and peace
That’s the end game
And that we are genetically flawed in that traits that helped our species evolve when we lived in small tribes will now destroy us.
Just my random speculations.
The disappointment has been …ugh.
Yes. But it turned out fine. Mankind was reborn of rocks.
So if you are down and out, throw rocks.
I feel that there will be a terrible conflict, it will be quick, deadly, and potentially could destroy the country as we know it. Afterwards...
It needs to be totally voluntary on their ends and we need to extend a hand
We also need to avoid bringing politics and personal belief to classrooms. We can tone down the politicized lefty stuff but we must have rules of decorum protecting minorities
This current shit is actually tame in comparison
Now I realize they are nearly half of it.