No alternative to flattening our green spaces for unaffordable new build homes ? But there is !
Read the briefing and send it to your MP . We need
Read the briefing and send it to your MP . We need
although the 'empty bedrooms' thing could lose a lot of support. If that means decamping people because they have a spare room?
1. "House prices won't go down if more houses are available because prices are decided by the market which is manipulated by the house builders."
2. "The market is manipulated by restricting the supply of housing to keep prices high."
This report is really poor.
The Daily Mail championing nature /wildlife is a surprise, but I suspect they are just moaning because the policy is from Labour.
The Mail don't give a shit about wildlife. They are trying to sell papers to their NIMBY readers.
If you're in North Yorkshire please object via planning.
Ref number 20/01539/remmaj
I am not sure about the 'bedrooms' part of this. I don't want to live in someone's unoccupied bedroom.
Some commercial properties are really not suitable for dwellings, either in construction or location. All homes must come with sufficient infrastructure also. Low rental,high-quality homes for single people up to sizes suitable for families are vital.
* * A concern would be we build, then in 20 years have far too many houses. Politicians struggle to think a week ahead. ** ( The internet says ). Good man Chris.
Live. And built El and thoughtfully, can compliment the natural environment.
Including a substantial statutory percentage of good quality, green council homes for rent in any build, absolutely. If not, the projects don't go ahead. And let's renovate and use 000s of empty homes first.