I loved that programme so much. I was off sick one day with food poisoning or something and insisted on sitting in front of the TV shivering and vomiting while I watched it.
I was too old to watch it at the time, but Rose Tinted Soectrum just did a hilarious video breaking down the whole show. They were still using the same animations I remember from back in the early 80s! Whole generations grew up singing "Magic E", luckily it didn't have any lasting effects!
A racing pigeon once stopped off at my house. I phoned the number on the ring, or something like that, and let it stay until it had rested. Like Tom Bombadil or Galadriel looking after the hobbits. True.
Having grown up in London watching it as a kid, for the last 20 years I've lived very close to the lighthouse and stately home, which were locations in the programme. There's many a pigeon loft too.
I'm wrong, and getting wronger!
*slinks off in shame*