Trump's CRIMINAL record would keep him from getting a job at pretty much ANY PLACE as employers will run a background check & Trump couldn't pass one, yet this SAME person can become POTUS with NO BACKGROUND check!
Something is SERIOUSLY WRONG in this Country!😠
How can we trust him with Nuclear Codes, Intel secrets, National Policies, etc.? Not to mention he's the BIGGEST LIAR & MOST CORRUPT man in America and the WHOLE WORLD can see it, except for a bunch of STUPID Americans who PREFER to live in a land of DELUSIONS!😠
You cannot work for the post office being a convicted felon, but they will post a picture of a convicted felon as the president in charge of the post office, that makes sense sure!
Better question, why would a military accept a convicted felon as their commander in chief? Does anyone see our voluntary military strength weakening over the next four years? Who would sign up for this, except people who you really don't want to put a gun in their hands?
Our answer is to build an ever stronger and more independent California Republic able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of the collapsing US empire.
PINO. Also, he has firearms & liqor licences but as he’s now a convicted felon, doesn’t he have to relinquish them or be found in breach? If he’s in breach, does that carry a prison sentence?
Al Capone was eventually imprisoned for tax evasion so it would be poetic justice if Orange Shitler ended up in the slammer for gun possession or serving alcohol in one of his shitty golf motels
That's true, but as a Canadian,seeing all this bullshit with that shitstain, I'm almost certain that when the installed puppet here wins the election that's coming up for us in October of this year, he will be allowed in. He can fuckoff! 🤮
Because there's one set of laws for us poor people. And there's one set of laws for rich people. And then finally there's a complete different set of laws for the orange fat buffalo bastard felon.
Because America is in reality a Corporate Oligarchic Plutocracy disguised as a fake democracy to fool the peasants that think that they can change anything by voting on 1 of the 2 parties that defend the same system and protect the exact same interests...
Or a SECDEF that stole funds from Veterans, with sexual assault allegations buried in a settlement, with a drinking problem, not to mention infidelity with all his wives, and NO experience in national security.
Why are we permitting him to command our military? Yes, Elon may have effectively bought the presidency for him, and while we can’t change that, we can change who oversees our military. It’s unlawful for Trump to issue orders to it!
Exactly Jane! I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this insane reality that an officially convicted felon is becoming the next President!?!?! Our country is completely upside down 🙃
Crazy for him to show up at President Carter's funeral. Sitting there looking like his mug shot when he wasn't cozying up to President Obama. I hope Obama doesn't live to regret it. That idiot came back from the UK acting if William gave him serious health up date on his father. A known liar 🤥
This is where our country is - they don’t care. They’ve bought into how bad ‘the other side’ is, the ‘woke’ has ruined our country etc.
It’s impossible for us to understand why voters thought this was their only choice, but they chose him. Many were ethnic minorities BTW.
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
Rational human being: that's a great point. We shouldn't have a felon in charge of our military
MAGA [sic] human being: that's a great point. We should let felons have firearms
Or our country. If he applied for a federal job & disclosed that he is a convicted they would not consider him for the job. There are lots of jobs that won’t hire a convicted felon. Also, lots of countries you cannot enter. What is wrong with our country! Dumb!
Here's a thought. Federal law prohibits "constructive" possession of a FA by a convicted felon. I've literally had clients charged for knowing there was a gun in the glovebox of a friend's car that they were a passenger (bc they had access to the glovebox). How does that fly with his SS detail? 🤣
It doesn't make any sense at all 🙄 I don't understand why we couldn't convict him for his 34 felonies during his campaign trail. Running for President doesn't absolve you from past crimes that I'm aware of. He should have been thrown in jail and forced to abandon the campaign until after time served
It is Obvious to me that America has been taken for a ride. They lied, manipulated advertising, markets, social media, vote intimation,Elon.... I Don't know what to do about it... what can we do? I feel if he is inaugurated We have lost our country. Money talks bullshit walks...(Trump).☹️🍀🌹
We can spend 4 years pissing and moaning or look a solutions and resistance. We are in an awful place now what are we going to do about it? Pressure our democrats to start fighting.
Who is pissing and moaning? I’m asking a question on the day the President-elect has convicted felon added to his record. I do agree we can’t linger long on such things for long, because we do need to resist, but give us a day.
Yes! This ⬆️ I don’t get that either. He was also found with top secret files that he stole, which detailed allied intelligence, and he had enemy foreign agents to Maralago whilst they were in his possession. He’s also convicted of sex assault, so what female leaders would feel safe alone with him?
Look them in their eyes! Scream! Shout! Show them all we will not go blindly into the lawless night! You are not alone in your thoughts & feelings. #USNow #peoplesmarch #demogracy
Exactly.. Also ask MAGAts if they would go hire a convicted Felon to run their own personal bank account or date their children. See what their ignorant answer will be.
That ruling only addressed whether states could interfere with federal elections not Trump's insurrectionist disability. Read the ruling. Trump is an insurrectionist ergo he can not hold public office, that would violate the 14th Amendment.
The question you should be asking is how the Dems failed to raise an objection one single time citing the 14th Amendment. This man is disqualified because he's an insurrectionist and they said nothing. That's what we should be asking.
Before learning his fate Trump called the trial a 'political witch hunt', said it was 'terrible for New York' and said it had damaged his reputation. He received an Unconditional Discharge!
Did the sentence please you, was it what you were hoping for!
I remain of the view that Trump voters must have an IQ equivalent to a semi-literate educationally sub-normal lemmings. Voting for a lying criminal such as Trump is clear evidence, the USA population needs to be very afraid.
What you are saying is that you don’t like democracy when it delivers something unpalatable to you! To describe so many people the way you have is irrational & clearly cannot be true!
It remains you have to endure it, I sense your frustration, but that is bad for your mental health!
Only the mentaly unstable idiot would vote for a convicted criminal a d that is what Trump is! The sad thing is the pernicious affects and effects the unstable Trump will hane on the USA and the world. Trump is like a Pandora's box 🤔
Something is SERIOUSLY WRONG in this Country!😠
I bet that Trump starts it up again.
Guess if America had a better choice for a right wing candidate, we would not be in this mess.
Ahhh, the cult of personality…
Not mine.
Oh, that's right - the allies he insults on a daily basis.
second place takes over for the term..
It’s impossible for us to understand why voters thought this was their only choice, but they chose him. Many were ethnic minorities BTW.
I use it with the intent of destroying both political parties.
MAGA [sic] human being: that's a great point. We should let felons have firearms
#USNow #Demogracy #peoplesmarch
Look them in their eyes! Scream! Shout! Show them all we will not go blindly into the lawless night! You are not alone in your thoughts & feelings. #USNow #peoplesmarch #demogracy
This country has been taken over by thuggish super-wealthy people.
No sense at all.
Did the sentence please you, was it what you were hoping for!
The whole LawMageddon attempt to try & stop him getting elected backfired spectacularly.
Perhaps it is time to let it go & realise continuing to complain about it is pointless.
It remains you have to endure it, I sense your frustration, but that is bad for your mental health!