Seriously though, any version of your higher self would be even more powerful than you are now.
Powerful people release their anger selectively (hopefully) to punish those who deserve it, proactively warn others who threaten them, and to accomplish their agenda.
I'm definitely evolving to intolerant of cruelty and bullshit, but learning who/what deserves my time, attention, and energy. So what some might call meaner, I think is actually being discerning.
You can have a bit of both. A well placed comment gives a flash of fang, rather than bearing teeth. Enough to make your mark and still show class. Rock on
Zen story: A Buddhist nun had her bottom pinched one day at the market. She asks her Abbess what to do. The Abbess says take me with you. The man also pinches her as she walks by. She whacks him with her cane. But you're a nun! He cries incredulously. But I hit you with all the love in my heart.
Seriously though, any version of your higher self would be even more powerful than you are now.
Powerful people release their anger selectively (hopefully) to punish those who deserve it, proactively warn others who threaten them, and to accomplish their agenda.
Age brings discernment π