Reagan associate counsel: Congress has not authorized this radical overhaul, and the protocols of the Constitution do not permit statutorily mandated agencies and programs to be transformed—or reorganized out of existence—without congressional authorization.
(or you’ll go nuts)
Everyone that supported Reagan and his destruction of our government and the trust and support of it is going to hell.
When you tell people the government is the enemy, this is what happens.
I wish nothing but pain and misery on these people.
To the nabobs of negativity who natter about Reagan getting the "drown government in a bathtub" idea rolling: but Reagan wanted to destroy government (kill people, etc.) the proper way – through statute!
a self-proclaimed king and his prince
p: I can write a program to run the kingdom
k: OK, do it
p: the logic can't be too complicated
k: Rip out whatever you want, you're the prince
p: it may be uncomfortable for the people, some may die
k: who the hell cares
Just sayin'
a self-proclaimed king and his prince hold a meeting with the media
p: I'm writing AI to run the kingdom
media: *mused
p: 59% of the public need MASS misinformation
media: *confused
p: the media will manage it for me
media: *shocked
k: do it or else
media: we're in
Just sayin'
The active users seem to be there to feed on the hate buffet.
A free meal with unending portions, an all you can eat buffet that's programming the diners with a stream of constant, repetitive lies.
Free speech my ass! It should be illegal, it should be stopped.
Just sayin'
Trump Does Not Care and the two other branches are lame.
well, theoretically they were the guys that performatively carried "pocket constitutions"
they were the judges who didn't get RV's for their votes
they were police that didn't worship criminals
and the "well-regulated miltia" that wasn't compromised by russia
Which means only the Supreme Court can stop him, if Roberts and Barrett stick to their moral guns. Congress ain't doing shit.