Yarrick entwines his power claw with Ghazkulls own. "I'm not scared of the imperium Ghazz but maybe you're right, those fucking facists would put an even bigger target on your head if they knew about us. For the first time ever Ghazz saw a tear drop from the usually stone statured commisar.
Reposted from
(I forgot to make Ghazz talk like an ork and he will be talking as such from this point forward)
-all my boyz I cahn keep at bay I'm the prophet of da WAGH after all, but you? Thoes beakie boyz an inquiry fellas theys gon kill you Bale Eye and I can't loose you like I lose grots.-
-all my boyz I cahn keep at bay I'm the prophet of da WAGH after all, but you? Thoes beakie boyz an inquiry fellas theys gon kill you Bale Eye and I can't loose you like I lose grots.-