I’ve had them since I was 30. Maybe 1-2x/yea. Always on the upper back of my left arm. I have been putting off the vaccine, but plan on doing my first dose next week, just in case I can no longer get them.
It is painful, ugly, and incredibly painful. Hope he had them in a rather easy place.
I got the first shot a couple weeks ago and will get the second early in May. It was about 36 hours of not feeling that great, but not a big deal. The second may have more extreme sides effects for 24 to 48 hours. But, nothing compared to having shingles, which is horrible!
This is why it's incredibly important for anyone who had chicken pox to get the shingles vaccine. It's terrible--my mom had it TWICE. First time, caught early, only symptom was the signal rash. Second? IT WAS IN HER EYE.
It's 91% effective, but not a guarantee you won't still get them. I had both Shingrix shots & still ended up getting shingles twice so far this year. They were mild but the doctor said it does happen.
No, hadn't been ill. The doctor said that it was probably triggered by stress. The first bout was just before the inauguration. Then it cleared up for a couple weeks and came right back. Can't imagine where the stress could have come from. /s
I'm sorry you went through that. The doctor explained that the vaccine does usually prevent the postherpetic neuralgia and also tends to make the shingles themselves more mild. Agree it's a good idea to get vaccinated for them.
It is painful, ugly, and incredibly painful. Hope he had them in a rather easy place.
Shingles shots are important if you’ve ever had chickenpox.
(damn I feel old now myself and somehow slightly disrespectful for calling Harrison Ford a senior citizen. The truth hurts.)
Then get vaxxed ;)
There are shingles vaccines available
Two people I know had bad cases cold/flu and then about 3 weeks later had shingles this year….yeah I know it’s only March.
Oh…if spouse has a rash and asks you to put cream on it cause it’s on their back and can’t reach it…use a glove just in case.
So actually that’s 3 people.
postherpetic neuralgia today (thus the /s).