Smh! He sounds like an old man in the “rest haven” How in the world can anyone support this man and say he’s a “great president”His vocabulary is very very limited. Our allies must be at their wits end don’t know if the US is a friend or foe. He an embarrassment to the world.
And here's another thing for the ulcer: no longer will there be buyers and every friend and enemy will have all the information they could ever want about our systems. Does anyone think there's truly any State "secrets" anymore?
Any politician needing to update aerospace or other military equipment would be committing political suicide if they bought off of the US after this statement from Trump.
A liar. A con man. A thief.
First, he says we should be more responsible for our own protection, and then he tries to sell us pure crap to protect ourselves with.
I will be glad to see the end of his term or the end of his life, which ever comes first.
Gotta love how Turd Midas just kneecapped Boeing. What a schmuck. It’s just like him criticizing US women’s teams because they are critical of him. Such a fucking toddler
Your statement isn’t even close to being true. The US too exports include mineral fuels (including oil), petroleum refining, pharmaceuticals, soybeans, vehicles, chemical products, electric apparatus, motor vehicle parts, dairy products, and aircraft and aerospace products.
I wonder if he can think what impact this will have on arms sales to Europe? Nothing will change today, but we will shift away from planning to buy your gear. In 5 years, we won't be buying simple things like rifles from you, and in 20 years, we won't be buying aircraft either.
To add some context, this is in relation to the 6g fighter replacement of the F-22, which was never produced for foreign export. Also a number of US weapon systems have export versions lacking the full capabilities i.e. export Abrams tanks don’t have the composite armour package.
Art of the deal? What the fuck, dumb ass just said they would manipulate planes sold to other countries. Trying to sound intelligent always makes Trump look stupid.
Narcissists don’t have real friends. They have people they can use, leech off, and exploit to their favor. Not the sort of person you want governing foreign policy. We shouldn’t be changing sides every 4 years with who we ally with and who we are against.
And when they wear out the current circle with the nonstop selfishness, they move on to a new one until there is no one left. Then the cry alone about how they are the real victim
"Cause they might not be our allies" huh...I wonder why they wouldn't mango mussolini..someone take grandpa off life support and let the cold grip of death take that fat mcfuck.
It feels weird to be a patriot cheering on allies that have turned their back on the current president and his regime. I applaud the countries refusing to play his games and dishing it back to this tyrannical psychopath.
Gripen forever! Say no to American military tech.
Actually, just say no to America until a few terms with normal presidents have passed and a big part of current voters are gone.
It's an incredible plane. Only issue is it's not stealth. It was designed to land on roads! Been developed for years. It's a real fighter and can easily outmaneuver an F-35, which sucks as a fighter. However, the F'35 can probably shoot down the Gripen without the Gripen knowing the F-35 is there
I made a reply yesterday that every technological country should build their own equipment because the builder knows the weaknesses.
This is next level.
And just another reason for every other country to cancel Denmark's rep said, [paraphrasing] "don't know if there's a kill switch in the jets we bought, but we're not taking any chances, canceling everything we can".
Why do Tr***'s buddies in the defense industry put up with this?
My understanding is Canada destroyed the Avro Arrow for the US, under their promise they would provide defence for Canada. The Dic. has no honour, so don't count on him to keep that promise. Dump Tesla cars and stock, help save America.
First, he says we should be more responsible for our own protection, and then he tries to sell us pure crap to protect ourselves with.
I will be glad to see the end of his term or the end of his life, which ever comes first.
This may be true. Who the fuck announces to the markets that the version for sale is not as good?
Actually, just say no to America until a few terms with normal presidents have passed and a big part of current voters are gone.
Good job, ignoranus.
2. My parents were married.
3. Are you okay?
I want to see him and his ilk in Prison and to die there.
I made a reply yesterday that every technological country should build their own equipment because the builder knows the weaknesses.
This is next level.
Why do Tr***'s buddies in the defense industry put up with this?
Joking! Of course that's what he's doing.
That’s a given. 😢