I'm getting some pushback on my post about banning smartphones. Lot of it is "this is a moral panic don't ban stuff it'll be fine.'
A key thing to understand here though is many young people themselves don't like what phones are doing to them. This is different to rock music or video games etc.
A key thing to understand here though is many young people themselves don't like what phones are doing to them. This is different to rock music or video games etc.
If there are phones, those apps and that content will also be there.
1) convince the SM owners their best interests are served by restricting access. Doubtful (based on current experience) that this will work.
2) change national legislation to enforce restrictions. Again, doubtful that this will work…
3) the one that has been shown to have some effect on SM owners, and the one that can be more easily influenced, is the advertisers. SM companies are reliant on them for their income.
My advice would be to…
One issue is parental/staff understanding of how tech can be used & issues
Tight controls are wholly necessary for children to have space to be children.