My worry is there's a growing belief things like anxiety are immutable conditions not challenges we can overcome.
Reposted from
La Biologuita
MH is hugely important but I fear that too many normal feelings are becoming pathologicalised. Parents have weaponised anxiety to the extent it prohibits us checking understanding; “You can’t was Jimmy questions in class; it makes him anxious.”
Exams cause anxiety. This is normal. Homework causes anxiety, also normal. The anxiety stemming from that can (usually) be overcome.
But because GAD is a recognised MH condition 1/2
The word ‘anxiety’ has become so over used it’s almost lost all real meaning.
This is how systems get clogged up. This is partly why services such as CAMHS are overwhelmed.
Adolescence has always been pretty horrible.
Exams have always been hard work.
Going to lessons and revising are a mammoth pain in the arse.
Staying in bed has always been preferable.
It is not however, an excuse to not woman up and show some ovaries.
My teenage daughter is currently having some difficulties and it's hard to get that message across.
There's something about the cold water, big skies, exercise, other people, and hot chocolate when you've really earned it that does a fantastic job.
I really notice if I miss a week though!