Oh, this is a good one. This is good ha ha ha…OK so we had to have a little humor, but there is some serious stuff going on with that man head ..petty ,why won’t you leave the Biden family alone? What is that about? Where is the other presidents? This is not normal behavior. This is a distraction !!
It’s always all about distraction with tRump. Everything drooling out his gob is a lie or gibberish or some kind of sick shit. We have to pay attention to what he actually does, and yes, what he’s doing is scary as hell. 🤔🙄😒
I think ‘known for’ is a bit strong.
Sure, no one is saying he didn’t do it, but you don’t really really hear crooks yelling,”Look out, the Penis Twister is here!”
always hanged with him.
As opposed to modern day - where it is never a mistake.
Cat Woman is Batman’s enemy.
Does this mean she has penis?
Sure, no one is saying he didn’t do it, but you don’t really really hear crooks yelling,”Look out, the Penis Twister is here!”
But none could get that out with their weiners all a twist, so it turned into lore that he knob-tortured his nemeses
That's a real twister !