Have you considered a design with" Malicious Compliance" on it for maybe giving certain people dealing with a mango moron a little nudge. In case they have not thought of it themselves. Not everyone has a twisted evil twisted mind.( Not that I do)(I'm innocent, I tell you)
OK, I love this thing, but the font on your page is impossible to read at least for me. I don’t know what it is with the web that they’ve all decided. These pale fonts are useful, but they’re really not and there’s a lot of money out here waiting to be spent people! This is a brilliant shirt BTW.
Seconded! Wonderful company that treat their employees amazingly, fight for human rights, and make excellent quality stickers. ✨ always great to work with.
I love that the sizes refer to the measurements of the thing, not just clothes-size equivalents or chest size etc (no use if you prefer shirts tight, or loose). And in both imperial and metric too!
Almost makes me want to buy one just for that (sadly, like many of my tshirts, money's a bit tight ☹️)
Good move! I work in concert touring merch and the upcharging for bigger sizes is probably my greatest pet peeve. I will push back on any artist or merch company that wants to implement it.
I did 3 beginner (like, 3" clipart pix with 4 colors) cross stitch kits several years ago and would absolutely buy this and attempt it with the overconfidence of a white cis man
Absolutely perfect! I felt it a bit expensive, personally, but since the USA is apparently trying to implode itself, money may be rather meaningless for regular folks soon. So fuggit. Shirt for me, print for me wall! Cheers from nuevo-hell!
Lol, yeah if you could slip some eggs in my package too, that would be great! In the end, I enjoy supporting art, and besides how many historical events can a person see in a lifetime? Really though, how many? I'm sick of this shit. Please no more history.
Laughing because I hit the cat pics button saying ok time to move away from all the political stuff and soothe my soul with some cats and this was the top of the list… and I thought “well that works too”
the guilty in book
“Murder in the Orient Express”?
Nice art, cool shirts.
Don't be coy.
Almost makes me want to buy one just for that (sadly, like many of my tshirts, money's a bit tight ☹️)
Also, shirt is AMAZING.
Great drawing btw
Will it survive a clothes dryer?
get set...