This is a too broad of a claim. There are a lot of great stories that come from asking questions to Suthe suspension of disbelief. For example, Roger Stern and JRJR Spider-man fills in a lot of gaps.
I remember there was a time where they were talking about remaking The Birds and the big thing they were excited about was that this time there would be an explanation for the bird attack, and that would make it scary.
While I liked Steven Moffat's run on Doctor Who, he (and Chris Chibnall) did way too much of this. IT HAS A QUESTION WORD RIGHT IN THE NAME. People gripe about Russell Davies' new run (not everyone, obviously! but some) but first thing he did is make things inexplicable, & make inexplicable things.
Especially when the explanation turns out to be it's just Old Man Johnson wearing a sheet, trying to stop those meddling kids and their dog uncovering his smuggling operation.
I’m currently writing my first thing. Tons of supernatural stuff. I already know one of my draft passes will be stripping out the needless explanations.
The gamer in me just wants to share that I’ve figured it out.
It's always a problem when you have a tale based around shadows and shapes and you switch the lights on. I would include Zero Day, that DeNiro show on Netflix in this: as soon as the plot is explained it's "... Oh. Ok."
I found that explanation particularly disappointing. “Gateway to Hell” was a way better suggestion, and once you’ve put that out there you can’t replace it with something way more prosaic.
I wrote an apocalyptic short recently. I like the characters making reasonable *guesses* as to what is going on more than reliable knowledge structures and video game mechanics.
I love comics, I especially love Marvel, but on a long enough scale of time they will water down everything. Venom was this cool and mysterious extraterrestrial thing and 30 years later we've seen its home planet, its god, and every asshole on Earth-616 has bonded with a symbiote at least once
I found it silly but entertaining and thought there was a nice escalation I the story until the explanation part and when character said something like "that's the mother of all secrets" and I immediately turned it off.
The gamer in me just wants to share that I’ve figured it out.
Though my interest in why they made the filmstrip no one should have found (in a random room at a random point along the wall) increased.
is not a gateway to hell.
I don't even know about this flick and i know disappointment.