Never, EVER, do anything that might create personal legal liability for yourself on behalf of your org.
No matter what anyone says, you are not "family." You are not "in this together." And most importantly they do NOT "have your back."
No matter what anyone says, you are not "family." You are not "in this together." And most importantly they do NOT "have your back."
Do as he says, not as I do.
Yes I scraped some cybercriminals website and found credentials in clear text. No I did not attempt those credentials, because that's against the law.
I always assumed that it would get cut the second I tried to get representation against my employer's interest. I don't know if that's contractually true, but I hope to never test it.
I imagine some new workers unaware of niche laws in their industry.
When might employers be required to provide legal defense of employees?
What employment contracts cover lawyers?
What roles contain liability minefields?
Better yet just read this