Nope. And that is part of the problem. People throw terms around loosely to try to denigrate what they dislike.
See GOP comments about Marxist California.
Learn the different ideologies on the political spectrum. Then apply the Russian context to the definitions.
Imperialist? Yes.
Fascist? You damn skippy!
But one of the first things VVP did in power was squash the fringe folks like the neo-nazis. And create the inflated bogus nationalism that centred around him as father of Novorossiya.
Fucked up? Yeah. But that’s what happens when you hand power to a megalomaniac.
When the first attacks were taking place in ‘22, “normal Ruzzians” were interviewed on the streets. What they said was much like this. “Annihilate Ukrainians” was foundational.
This is Russia. Never forget. Never forgive.
At best a very tiny minority. They’re punished for standing up.
Maybe there are other non-vocals that may take them closer to a majority.
But to paraphrase an unattributed German saying: If 9 people sit down with a Putin ideologue with no protest, there are 10 Putin ideologues sitting at that table.
I think negligible. After 1991 January 13th when Gorbachev sent tanks against civilians in Lithuania and killed unarmed people, thousands of people in Moscow gathered to support us. Now Russia is the fascist country with a sick society.
I will continue to repeat this until it is commonly understood. Russia is a fundamentally psychopathic culture, and its government is merely a manifestation of that collective psychopathy.
1/x And if you look at the photo of the OP and her daughter, I wonder how she would feel if a bomb fell on her daughter's school while the daughter was there. Would she just say "all if fair in ... war" or would she scream and cry and declaim how bombing schools and hospitals is a war crime?
From the country which gave us Novichok nerve agent in Salisbury and Polonium 210 poison in central London just to make a point to critics of Putin no depth of depravity is a surprise any longer.
F'g amazing.
See GOP comments about Marxist California.
Learn the different ideologies on the political spectrum. Then apply the Russian context to the definitions.
Imperialist? Yes.
But one of the first things VVP did in power was squash the fringe folks like the neo-nazis. And create the inflated bogus nationalism that centred around him as father of Novorossiya.
Fucked up? Yeah. But that’s what happens when you hand power to a megalomaniac.
R ussian
C itizens
This is Russia. Never forget. Never forgive.
But how many of them are like
Maybe there are other non-vocals that may take them closer to a majority.
But to paraphrase an unattributed German saying: If 9 people sit down with a Putin ideologue with no protest, there are 10 Putin ideologues sitting at that table.
Godless horde……….
Is that a genuine post?
Fuck them all, burn Russia to the ground, JUST SAY NO TO TRUMP AND THE RETHUGLICANS.