Sad thing is the guy is probably just messaging loads of people who are left leaning that word hoping to upset them. Just spraying hate in the lowest energy lowest IQ possible way.
Because after a few years of that message coming in daily, one day it won't and Eliot will be the only one to do a welfare check on that guy because no one else cares about them
How can you predict the next move of such a complex and interesting individual. They truly are enigmas wrapped in riddles ensconced in puzzles, enfolded in mysteries. They are playing 4 dimensional chess... but I'm gonna guess: "faggot"
My response would be: wanna go for 3? I'll give u one more! C'mon...u know u wanna do it! The Trif@gta! If he does I would be like congratulations...u are soo cool. I'll be sure to screen shot this a frame it....what's your address I'll even send it to you bro!
(because you didn't reply)