Right. I think Tunguska was like 800 square miles of destruction, which isn't a lot on the scale of the planet, but is very much a lot if it's your neighborhood. That's a 16 mile radius, give or take.
Even more of a reason to not panic…and if it’s that small you really telling me our near trillion dollar “defense” budget doesn’t have a missle of some kind that could hit it while it’s still in the upper atmosphere? Really???
Right!!!! But, on the other, what if this is WHY all the other shit is going? What if they are trying to make a space ark to save humanity. Guess who the seeds for Mars are going to be?
Just finished reading a fiction book where a representative from a shadow government talks about how they like to instill fear in people. Two examples given were the Y2K alarms of computer failures and the potential of an asteroid collision. Huh.
Please direct this to WDC.
It’ll definitely end life for a few miles around wherever it would hit, but the rest of the world would keep on keepin’ on
Earth as a utopia, a Mecca of joy and love. The best years of our lives knowing it might all end.
Is it too late to pitch this idea to the fuckups in the White House?
As it travels, more and more trajectories are eliminated from the space of possible trajectories.
If it is the USA let it go
If it even does. Remember, three percent.
Please let it hit exactly where I’m standing then.