Sad to see. Those poor kids. Maybe RFK Jr will provide heroine for them. It doesn’t help with measles, but makes people think they’re in charge of the Health Dept.
Should there be a law ensuring you must have these jabs to prevent diseases from ever coming back? Should parents be fined or jailed for child endangerment for their own and the rest of the herd?
Yeah, I want everyone who is currently under the condition of stupid to learn, vaccinate and protect their kids, a d be a part of a better future. Not to die
No, the children don’t deserve to die. Also, we vaccine to protect kids whose immune systems can’t take a vaccination. Now, those kids, who also don’t deserve to die, will get measles. FULL STOP.
Reminds me of the popular chickenpox parties, or you could buy a licked sucker in the mail that someone's chickenpox kid had sucked on...then some kids died.
Same thing here.
Before the chickenpox vaccine, intentional exposure at a scheduled time when medical support was available was a calculated risk, particularly in anticipation of an interruption of medical care (travel, losing insurance).
Well it's unfortunate but the GOP does nothing in regards to school shootings and gun violence. These are anti-vaxers putting others at risk. So I can only say "THOUGHTS AND TARIFFS"
When I was a kid they had vaccines for all the really big viruses like measles, polio etc but not chicken pox. Guess which childhood disease I caught, right chicken pox. Oh also the flu which one flu nearly killed me. No vaccine for that either. I’m a vaccine fan.
It's so scary that they genuinely think measles is just like chicken pox and "not a big deal". They have no idea.
(Mind you, the chicken pox vaccine is also important and chicken pox can be severe, not to mention getting shingles later in life because of it is awful, but that's their logic)
I've seen shingles up close. My grandmother had it for months & was wracked in constant pain. One of her friends had it on her face & wound up losing an eye because of it.
Because these diseases have been banished from modern memory, people forget both how terrifying & how devastating they are.
That's awful. Yeah, a friend of my mom's has shingles flare ups every so often and it's so painful she has a hard time doing anything at all when she gets a flare up.
Measles is NOT chicken pox. While most kids can navigate a chicken pox infection unscathed, measles has life long (if survived) consequences including immune system damage and significant hearing loss. Stop the stupid and VACCINATE. The MMR vaccinedoes NOT cause autism.
Measles peaked under Trump’s previous four years. That 376 per year is going to look like child’s play compared to the Trump/RFK regime. 159 in six weeks.
One story thats being overlooked is the fact bird flu is decimating wild bird populations.
Over 1,500 Sand Hill Cranes just in Indiana alone have died. With DNR officials stating the # can be 5X higher.
Hardly pegging the news in Hoosierville. Three dead Canadian Geese in the backyard of a neighbor. I stated to the man whom was throwing the carcasses into his trash can they most likely died of avian flu. He explained to me that only affects chickens.😏 I have learned these are closed minded folks.
It's so sad that they even have to explain this to people these days...there is proof of how very bad this disease is...there are still people alive that can remember how bad it was and yet they are choosing to ignore all of that in the name of "freedom", "personal liberties" and "states rights".
Not that it matters when people are dying, but apparently this is a Mennonite community that doesn’t believe in modern science rather than the more recent strain of vaccine skepticism.
2025 - Christians pray for a different miracle. God gives up.
Same thing here.
There is a fucking vaccine!!
Now it's pure quackery.
All over USA.
Talk to Republican voters.
Visit their districts, listen to them and their fears.
Is their concern about immigration, overshadowing their cost of living, violation of laws, corruption, education, jobs etc ?
Not everybody joined TrumpMusk cult !
Win them over ♡
Definitely contenders for the Darwin Award!
Is this a thing now?
Man, am I out of the loop.
(Mind you, the chicken pox vaccine is also important and chicken pox can be severe, not to mention getting shingles later in life because of it is awful, but that's their logic)
Because these diseases have been banished from modern memory, people forget both how terrifying & how devastating they are.
Goodbye every advancement of the 20th Century.
Texans knowing the state has
146 cases 20 hospitalized
1 child far
The. Fucking. Insanity.
March 01 2025
Over 1,500 Sand Hill Cranes just in Indiana alone have died. With DNR officials stating the # can be 5X higher.
Then get back to us where you went wrong.
Please, take your time.
I am sorry for their kids?
I expect Trump will come out with a Trump brand measles elixir in response. Buy now and get a Trump bible free!
Stupid is as stupid does
This is not an issue with me.
Or negligent homicide, in some cases.
GOP antivax lies should pay for those hospitalizations.