i don't have to pay monthly to listen to great music. a large portion of my music has never been digitized or remastered digitally so it just doesn't exist unless i have vinyl. my final reason to own records was the quality of dynamic sound or hi fidelity of analog recorded music vs digital masters
just want to state not one audio study of digital vs phono by accredited personnel of peer reviewed research exists. so those studies* you see online are paid ads, or very amateur in their nature of analysis. My family has more then one audiologist 😅
One thing I like about vinyl is it forces you to appreciate a good album from start to finish. Albums that tell an entire story instead of just a bunch of want-to-be radio hits.
I understand the nostalgia of playing an older record to hear music the way it was heard when originally came out.
But for music from the late-80s and beyond, it’s silly to reissue it on vinyl. Compact discs still exist and don’t pop. And for streaming, listening to an album just takes discipline.
There's just something about the physical item that changes how you consume it. I have zero discipline. If I'm listening to an album and streaming it, I'll likely start skipping around and end up on a random playlist by song 4.
CD's are still the 'better' way to consume, sure, but if I'm buying a physical player why not have the fun of vinyl. They come with cooler cards/album art/things inside. I personally highly enjoy the pops, they itch my brain in a good way.
To this day there are certain songs that my brain remembers, no, EXPECTS to hear a certain pop at that same place I heard it hundreds of times over as a teen playing the 45 of that song.
One thing to consider is that many vinyl reissues are remastered for the format and can often sound, if not better, than at least different. And usually that’s the only format to hear that version
That would be a legit reason if not available elsewhere. But in would digitize that on first play and never touch again. Vinyl is nostalgia only. Same with acrylic records. Or the wax ones I have.
I understand that they're not supposed to be there, but I've also thought that someone should create a spray that you can mist on to your records and add them lmfao
No, they’re harmless. Place I live in is quite a wetland and sprays work fine for humidity stains. Anyway, nothing better than a handwash to relive your records.
Someone didn’t do their homework and omitted the mighty Spin Clean as a great low cost option that is extremely effective. Take it from a guy that has over 6,000 records.
I’m all for the physical ownership of music. But vinyl doesn’t produce an objectively better sound than CDs or streaming. It’s been studied.
You may prefer vinyl, and that’s great. But you’re paying for it, and it’s not economical.
i pay $1-$5 a vinyl, typically at estate sales
I don't buy music recorded after ~1990 unless i know the artist and how it was mastered, i'll just grab a cd of it was digital.
But as far as streaming, they have high-res output now, so if you’ve got a good setup that might be hard to argue with vs. high quality vinyl.
But for music from the late-80s and beyond, it’s silly to reissue it on vinyl. Compact discs still exist and don’t pop. And for streaming, listening to an album just takes discipline.
Try this guy’s method.
Worked on a record store for 15 years and we always handwashed everything that came in second hand. Start with some you don’t like too much, lol