Looking at contemporary western lefties, Realism - stop being so moralistic, focus on accurate strategic analysis - seems right. But when I look at historical socialist states I'm not like "damn why did they keep letting moral qualms get in the way of ruthless actions!?" Kinda the opposite, really.
As in no longer condemning the genocide of Palestinians?
How can social movements escape moralism?
*Notably again thinking of Jane Addams here, a radical whose concept of "lateral progress" nevertheless eschews fast but unstable "vertical progress" via, e.g., ruthless actions.
Don’t have the aptitude to coordinate society, they are able to point out legitimately bad things but they sorta depend on liberal capitalist society to do so
“Cheating on your spouse is immoral” matters little to me.
“Breaking your intimate partner’s trust is unethical” is much more compelling
Ditto economic transgressions
I think morals are an individual and religious matter on the main.
Ethics are something we can actually base our interactions in society on.
I don’t want people to be punished for poor morals. I want justice when ethics are transgressed.
I probably picked up this idea from Jesus when he said “it’s not what goes in your mouth that defiles you, it’s what comes out of it”
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i like utilitarianism's 'one goal' way of thinking because it allows us to evaluate without simply relying on intuition. but needs to be applied with humility and as you say, good procedure
I always found the moralistic case for lesser evilism more persuasive than the 'pragmatic' one, but most people I read and engage with are dispassionate strategists.
And they really, really panicked when it didn’t
In all walks of life we do not have judiciary bodies or other institutions to settle conflicts, so people who disagree argue in front of a "court of public opinion" that is...
Instead, we have a public falling out which divides thousands of people over the use of the word "cancer" in an email or something.