Apropos of nothing, here are some thoughts on Medicaid & Medicare.
People often seem confused about the 2 programs. Even the congresspeople who are trying to cut their funding frequently mix them up.
Medicare is the fed’l fee-for-service insurance program for people over 65 & select others.
People often seem confused about the 2 programs. Even the congresspeople who are trying to cut their funding frequently mix them up.
Medicare is the fed’l fee-for-service insurance program for people over 65 & select others.
And the majority of Americans, regardless of political persuasion, have a positive view of Medicaid.
My state (Texas) is one of 10 states that hasn’t expanded Medicaid. Despite that, Medicaid pays for almost half (48%) of births in TX & provides health coverage for millions of kids (almost 40%).
According to the AMA, over the past 20 yrs, Medicare payment rates have fallen by 33% resulting in underpayment to hospitals & physicians.