There is a Guardian article about this with an interview with a farmer who said 2 white folks showed up to work, double counted everything they picked, and lasted half a shift.
What is happening now is cruel. What was already happening was also cruel. Everything about this is broken.
What is happening now is cruel. What was already happening was also cruel. Everything about this is broken.
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Donna stole Roy Kent's Rolex
Several years ago, Alabama decided to get "tough" on immigration and pulled this shit.
They stopped when crops were rotting in the fields and Billy Bob started crying that he couldn't buy his Wal-Mart tomatoes for cheap anymore.
They stopped when crops were rotting in the fields and Billy Bob started crying that he couldn't buy his Wal-Mart tomatoes for cheap anymore.
It’s pure hate. Migrant workers are not ‘taking anyone’s joba’. They’re doing difficult jobs that most people cannot do.
This is highly skilled labor. We've just been underpaying for it forever so we don't treat it that way.