My husband is extremely intelligent and… unbothered??? He told me tonight when I asked him how he’s so calm - “tomorrow is going to happen, and I’m going to get up and put pants on and go to work.” Wtf is it like not to have swirling brain terrors 24/7?
At least for me, it is an intentionally cultivated sense of, whatever happens is going to happen. I cannot control it, so what is the point of letting it impinge on my mind? Not that it helps with anxiety disorder stuff. But internally, it makes letting go easier.
I have that neurodivergent extreme sense of justice/deep existential thought pathway that I have yet to master, unfortunately. Might have to be my next project.
Unfortunately, that sense never really goes away. Which is actually a good thing. You just become better and more equanimous when dealing with it. People who commit acts of incredible bravery still experience fear, they just have the mental fortitude to not let fear get in the way of their Good.
Make me stupid, stat!
Whither the days of the traveling lobotomist.
Unfortunately for me…..I can’t sleep at night with the shit storm flying all around us….and it is just getting started 😳
Fuck Trump and all his goons 🤬
The assholes cheated their way in again. Putin is smiling away….they all play on his team 🤬