When I get overwhelmed and down by what’s happening to us, I turn that grieving into action. This week, I’m contacting Governor Newsom’s office to see what I can do to preserve our rights and fight to save democracy. I’m going to find some grassroots groups to join. LFG.
Whenever I start to spiral, I remember my meditation teacher saying “don’t believe everything you think.”
It helps. Hang in there and breathe 🫂💕
We take one crisis at a time , as they show up.
Post me or IM anytime
to fruition
Most of his garbage wont even happen
This is also my plan.
Select established groups with legal defense resources and do my advocacy under their umbrella.
I'm also launching a women's health advocacy website once I gather support resources. I bought the url et al.
I want that joy we had, even an hour a day- I think 🤔 if we continue to try to maintain a little joy and much gratitude for the little things, it really DOES effect the universe positively.
Our thoughts matter.
I want to join.
Find (or start!) a group near you!
I thank you 🦋💙
Locally reach out to your Dem state legislators.
It all begins locally.
Looong way to go.
Hello from a fellow Angeleno 👋🏼