You have placed a rapist in the office of the president. He is there because of you and others who refused to vote. Fuck yourself, you despicable hypocrite.
People need to relax. Meditate. Play games. Spend time with family and friends. Raise pets. Plant flowers for windows. Draw, or anything to help soothe the nerves.
Guys, most Americans dont care about foreign policy at all, if she and biden stopped genocide it wouldnt change much, instead, her rethoric on domestic issues was very bad
I know all this moral posturing sounds great in your head but Trump is winning and he's promising death camps for trans people with no Gaza ceasefire in sight so I hope you know what you're doing beyond "I don't want to get my hands dirty."
I mean you certainly don't save ten by giving gasoline to the people setting the fire, and it's frankly naive to the point of delusional thinking that the people currently supplying that that gasoline have any interest in saving even one person
Think more broadly. People here in our homeland will suffer because of the results of this election. Trump put the justices on the bench that overturned Roe V. Wade and that has already led to deaths of pregnant women here in the States.
I don't give a fuck about my homeland! I hate this place! This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire should've been put to bed LONG ago, and there is no path forward for the world as a whole so long as this country is the foremost power
Dems: "Damn she should have reached a cross the aisle way harder! Appealed to more far right fascists! One republican in office? What about half the office being republicans! That should energize our voters!"
Liberals can't promise change, guys. They can only give you more of the same over and over
Correct and not at all germane to my point, I'm afraid.
Doing any of those things could have helped a lot of people go vote who ended up not voting. She didn't do those things, her message was that the Palestinian genocide just wasn't that important right now, and the outcome doesn't look great. 😔
The most important state left is Pennsylvania, with over 300,000 Jewish voters (over 3% of electorate), the vast majority of which would not get on the “Israel must be destroyed, from the River to the Sea, all Zionists are European Invaders” platform.
Just stop replying to these delusional people. They wanted it to go this way so they could gloat and then make up this hypothetical where if only Harris went all in Gaza she wins. Despite there not being a singular data point showing that’s the case; it’s wish casting BS. They aren’t serious people.
You perform the concrete actions, then you give speeches about how you took those actions and they had thus and such positive effects.
Literally even if it was just some empty talk and giving room for speeches from people who are upset about genocide, it could have fixed an obvious vulnerability.
Not appealing to fascists? Maybe listening to those with actual morals?
Nah, who am I kidding. Dems and the braindead lib cult will always try to dash further right rather than not doing that, simply because the only core “value” they have is doing the opposite of what sane people want
One issue with a statement like “actual morals” is that every group sees themselves as the only righteous people, the only people with “actual morals”. It’s a very easy no-true-Scotsman argument
Shame that “issue” is immediately kneecapped by the simple fact people with morals don’t support genocide and a lot of people who might claim they have morals chose to support genocide, which means they either don’t know what it actually means to have morals or they’re just lying.
And while you feel that way, others feel just as much conviction in the justice of the opposite position. I’m not one of them, but I am pointing out that a claim that there is some sort of universal morality is not a particularly persuasive one.
It’s not a matter of what anyone “feels”, just simple facts. Those don’t care about feelings. For example, just because you’ve failed so much as a human being that you’re not “persuaded” by the fact that doing the moral thing and
This is this stupid and uneducated mentality that leads Trump to be elected, Harris would have toned down the conflict! I stand for Palestine, Harris expressed her views against Israel and you Americans did not give her chance, letting actual racist zionist fascists in power for four years!
Voting for the lesser evil cycle after cycle is what got us here. We tried to warn them in 2016 when they screwed Bernie and tried to force Hillary on us. That was a fatal wound to the democrats. But-for Covid Biden would have been steamrolled in 2020. It’s our bad candidates, not their good ones
He'd probably do the exact same thing. Harris had ample opportunities to not be an AIPAC bitch, and she couldn't pull it off.
"Trump is worse" does not make Kamala make good by default.
Liz Cheney, and that Bill Clinton speech, prove that the Democrats have no one but themselves to blame.
Enrich himself
Enrich his rich buddies
Restart public executions of anyone who doesn't bow and worship him
Replace everyone in government with loyalists
Abolish abortion rights
Gut the Constitution
Change the system so elections are no longer done
Almost forgot, sell all our countries' secrets to whoever kisses his ass enough. Or pays him enough. And probably give Putin a few states. Probably any blue ones he's not particularly fond of
He has no one that matters to him that cares at all about them being killed. He has nothing to gain or lose from them being killed. He has no next relection to worry about. Even if you hated Harris and believed she was worthless, there was a small part that knew she had some reason to do something.
I think that’s what it’s going to take for the left wing in America to learn how to act right. Actual consequences. I view it as chemotherapy at this point.
I'm more scared of the Republicans winning the House now, as he'll have hardly any obstructions in place to enacting Project25. I used to think we'd rise up and revolt if something like that happened, now I'm not so sure our country wouldn't applaud and kiss our new dictator's ass.
Thre's no theory to be talked about when Trump and Netanyahu have been close friends for decades and he's been openly campaigning on "letting him finish the job".
Get off your flimsy moral pedestal, the blood of the Palestinian people will forever stain your hands and conscience from today.
Trump doesn’t care about a single dead Palestinian or Israeli for that matter. He cares about power and money, only. If dead children get him either, he’s going to kill children. Politics is an ugly business but you can’t change policy if you’re not in the White House.
It didn't matter, this election just show to the rest of the word (and it should do it to the American people) that america is just Iran with a nicer hat.
Is a hate fuel, fascist and racist people that activity want the death of everything that they don't like and you all deserve what is coming
Because that's liberalism my guy. That's no left.
Liberalism is literall this, the mass manouver to right and far right agenda.
USA needs a real oposition to both liberalism and far right in my very modest opinion.
Exactly. They defend the same thing only differently.
It's pro status-quo either way. There's not a single bit of criticism nor activism in terms of struggle of social classes.
But to be fair, that was never a thing around USA.
What a singularly ghoulish response. Just a deeply unpleasant and inhuman taunt.
Maybe next time Dems are in position to end a genocide, they'll remember what happened this time and they'll actually try instead of shrugging and getting upset at activists. 😔
Twitter =/= voters. Most voters do not give a single shit. The far left are the kings of self sabotage, and because of you idiots and your internet grandstanding, there won't be a Palestine, but a parking lot. Try living in the real fucking world with the rest of us.
I'm describing the reality in front of us. Not sure what grandstanding you think I've done, I'm pointing out that bad messaging was bad for a campaign that should have done better.
You can pretend no one cares about genocide but I bet there's at least a few thousand here and a few thousand there.
Won't be any Palestinians left for the new Susan Sarandon-loving democrats to save.
The only people that will be taught a lesson and receive a message will be people like you, and the message is "You never appreciated how much democrats protected you from".
I agree, it's aberrant, inhuman, ghoulish and foul.
The truly tragic part is that this doesn't make it less true. It's time to face the music and stop denying the democratic and civil crisis you're in and start *actually doing something about it*. Noble moral stances don't save lives.
You have a very thin understanding of the entire conflict. Half our country supports Israel 100% and half is pissed they are bombing Palestine. What did you want Harris, as VP, to do exactly? Hold the House/Senate at gunpoint till they cut all funding to Israel? Override the President's position?
It's a not a top 10 issue for voters. In that 2/3rds who think its very/extremely important is significant chunk of that is going to be pro Israel on top of that. For voters for whom it *is* a deal break they likely are in deep blue states. Electorally irrelevant
It was a top issue for the 800k+ in the uncommitted movement who just so happened to live in the 4 swing states we needed, vs the pro israel voters who do not live in swing states. You also forget that it's equally true that arms embargo and ceasefire polled extremely popular too.
I hate to be a cynic but the internet has really created this echo chamber where ppl MASSIVELY overestimate the average Americans concern and attention spam for foreign humanitarian crises. ESPECIALLY in the a middle east where Americans see it as a lost cause.
The amount of arrogance from the dumbest fucking party to ever exist, the dems, is truly astounding. told you are pegging too right to appeal to anyone and you just keep saying fuck you to your gettable votes. just fuck off you dumb idiot fucks.
yeah stop listening to the pos obama about how people don't vote because they are lazy and actually listen to the polls that say these shitty economic policies of greatly favoring banks that fucked us are fucking us. but sure it was the cringe, and not privatization and deregulation. as always it was white men (and white women) who turned out for Trump.
Don't you dare blame anyone else other than Harris herself, and then white men.
I’m gonna go ahead and blame the people who hate a Black women enough to elect a rapist, MVP did her best and it was better than anyone else could have.
I just wanted to feel safe and be able to have a future… now I’m better off dead. I could be attacked or… worse in the streets, and nothing will be done. I don’t care who won… it just couldn’t be trump…. And now it’s trump.
I can see Trump dying because he shits himself to dearth before his term is over and they give control to that freak JD who will do everything they say no hold backs. Wonderful!
It fucking sucks that Trump is in power again but I do think it's kinda baffling how many liberals are dumbfounded by the fact that so few people wanted to vote for a black Hillary. It's like she was actively repelling the progressive voters.
Anyone acting like the democrats should get a free pass for genocide-support are just as bad as any republican. I, an arab Muslim progressive voter refused to vote democrats this time for this act reason. They outright supported and pushed for Israel and genocide, they couldnt give less of a sh**.
I voted Green, knowing full-well i was taking away a vote from the democratic party and from Kamala. Why? Because f*** them, maybe they'll learn their lesson: that you can't openly, arrogantly disregard the pleading of a signifcant section of your loyal base and then expect no consequences from it
It is like a logo on a car. If the car is bad/good the logo is almost irrelevant.
Sacrifice all refugees to Trump in the name of clout activism
Not funny
Dick and Liz
Liberals can't promise change, guys. They can only give you more of the same over and over
Theres more convincing propaganda about rodent control in alberta out there than this shlock
Who the hell even made this
At least attaching some minor conditions to the huge piles of munitions?
Listening to people suggesting solutions instead of rolling her eyes and mocking and ejecting them?
Just spitballing, IDK, maybe I'm a lunatic.
Doing any of those things could have helped a lot of people go vote who ended up not voting. She didn't do those things, her message was that the Palestinian genocide just wasn't that important right now, and the outcome doesn't look great. 😔
You really shouldn't choose to be so condescending if this is the best you've got. 😔 Brain injury? Really?
Literally even if it was just some empty talk and giving room for speeches from people who are upset about genocide, it could have fixed an obvious vulnerability.
Nah, who am I kidding. Dems and the braindead lib cult will always try to dash further right rather than not doing that, simply because the only core “value” they have is doing the opposite of what sane people want
"Trump is worse" does not make Kamala make good by default.
Liz Cheney, and that Bill Clinton speech, prove that the Democrats have no one but themselves to blame.
Enrich his rich buddies
Restart public executions of anyone who doesn't bow and worship him
Replace everyone in government with loyalists
Abolish abortion rights
Gut the Constitution
Change the system so elections are no longer done
You have never actually legitimately cared about Palestine.
Get off your flimsy moral pedestal, the blood of the Palestinian people will forever stain your hands and conscience from today.
Trump and Netanyahu ramped up and continued the violence to help one another. Everything will suddenly stop in January.
Is a hate fuel, fascist and racist people that activity want the death of everything that they don't like and you all deserve what is coming
Liberalism is literall this, the mass manouver to right and far right agenda.
USA needs a real oposition to both liberalism and far right in my very modest opinion.
It's pro status-quo either way. There's not a single bit of criticism nor activism in terms of struggle of social classes.
But to be fair, that was never a thing around USA.
Maybe next time Dems are in position to end a genocide, they'll remember what happened this time and they'll actually try instead of shrugging and getting upset at activists. 😔
I suggested that energizing her base by attempting to end a genocide would have given her a better chance of winning.
Did fighting against the genocide of Ukraine energize the base?
You can pretend no one cares about genocide but I bet there's at least a few thousand here and a few thousand there.
The only people that will be taught a lesson and receive a message will be people like you, and the message is "You never appreciated how much democrats protected you from".
We all get to find it out, because Harris didn't stand against genocide and so her campaign failed.
Many points this guy raises seem way more plausible to me:
The truly tragic part is that this doesn't make it less true. It's time to face the music and stop denying the democratic and civil crisis you're in and start *actually doing something about it*. Noble moral stances don't save lives.
But think real hard, even if it were so, are 100% of those people all Harris voters?
It's a not a top 10 issue for voters. In that 2/3rds who think its very/extremely important is significant chunk of that is going to be pro Israel on top of that. For voters for whom it *is* a deal break they likely are in deep blue states. Electorally irrelevant
& v simply she didnt run on the other fucking issues, either. thats on her, biden, & the dem decision makers
Don't you dare blame anyone else other than Harris herself, and then white men.
Every empire has an end, China won.
The thing you should fear is the Heritage Foundation and all the others who plan on using Trump's low IQ to puppeteer him for far worse causes.