Well, I seem to remember that he and other democrat governors called the police to crack down on the protesters. Just like the government did during the Vietnam War.
That is true, I was more laughing at the idea that the milquetoast way Biden did it is an open door for Trump to surpass it in the worst possible way. The freedom to protest always gets curbed for the left, when the right gets to do Freedom Convoys and Jan 6th without issue.
1. Someone not liking the democrats doesn’t make them a fascist or a Trump supporter, superchief
2. Hoping for people to suffer for disagreeing with you, very liberal, hardly fascist at all
Had it ever occurred to you that lives might be more important than your team winning, you fucking cumstain?
That's why our democracy has been dead. Democrats act EXACTLY like Republicans but the people at the top have been able to fool those at the bottom for a long ass time but this extreme loss paired with how they have been exposed as laughably incompetent has thankfully
Yep. They LOVE to point out to MAGA how stupid they are for no recognizing for what reality is but when Joe Biden starts committing acts of genocide they get all enraged for being critical of him. And every single word that drops from thier mouth is done without a hint of irony
Zionism is simply the right for the Jews to live in their homeland as a country. I see no issue with this. I heavily condemn terrorism and any person that support it. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israel is a diplomatic country with equality and human rights. Really sad you can't see this.
Do you mean "democratic?" Israel's diplomatic relationships with other countries are abysmal excepting the US, so it would be generous to call them especially diplomatic
Huh yes, democratic, no idea why it came out like that. When i type in english sometimes my brain twist words lol. Its not my first language. But they still have diplomatic relations with Canada, Europe, and they were on the good path with the Saudis before Oct7. Israel contribute a lot to the world
No problem, just clarifying. Still, at best their relationship to European nations is tenuous. Germany has historical cause to champion them but they ignore the UN and ICJ so frequently and so pointedly that its diplomatic position toward them is not what I'd consider enviable, ymmv
Actually not. The ancient Kingdom of Israel existed long before any Palestine ever did. This land was conquered and changed ownership so often troughout history. The 2 state solution was a good plan at first. It should had been originally accepted. Sadly now i can't see it happening.
The fake jews living in occupied palestine right now have less Semitic DNA than the Palestinians living there since ages. Khazarian Converted Jews have no right to call that place their homeland.
Even peoples in Israel want Netanyahu gone from power. No surprise there. Once the war is over i doubt he will stay long. The country's failure in security are definately real. But what dies it has to do with the peoples that got butchered. Me not locking my door is no free invitation to tresspass.
That's not what zionism means but frankly I don't care about what it "really means" anymore. Israel is a friend to fascists and an enemy of the American people.
This is a very, very generalized view of all this, it's much more complex than this. Zionist want an ethnostate and that has to be enforced by violence. Hamas is a violent condemnable group, but they only exist because of the confinement of gaza by Israel. The IDF don't really do human rights.
Israel has 10 million hinabitants.
Two of them are arabs.
Your statement are nonsense.
Gaza share borders with Egypt, not only Israel.
Ask yourself why Egypt doesn't open the borders to gazists.
I think you're very confused by hamas lies.
It's not complex at all. It's a white colonial settler project dreamt up by British and American christofascists to move their problem out of sight and mind, using the Holocaust to launder their evil
Israel behaviors were always in respond to the violence of their neighbors. The country is often under terror attacks, missiles launch and such. Do you know any other country where every single house as a bombshelter? I was shocked when i learned that. You have to remember when the partition plan
was made by the Brits, Israel accepted it, Palestine rejected it. They were the first to attack and lost that war, wich lead to Israel annexing more territories (like in any war) and this lead to this constant escalation of hate. I wish Palestine could be peaceful like us French Canadian.
Zionism is the shitty opinion that Jews should be forced out of Europe into Apartheid colonies, it started long before the world wars mostly thanks to Britain, and was one of Hitler's favorite policies. Please read
Well, no.
It was the nationalism period and as any other people the Jews were searching for their safr Lando to live.
It is called autodetermination of the people, and of you thinks that it is vslid for every people except one, well perhaps you're ruining into racism
I don't think nationalism is good for anyone. Everyone would be safer without it. Zionism is a form of ethnocultural nationalism closely tied to pre-fascist anti-semitism in the late 1800's. It has ALWAYS called for the total eradication of Palestinians, whom i think should be safe in their HOMES
Jews should feel safe in Israel, in America, in Canada (my country), and i condemn the atrocities of October 7 2023. Never again is now ! If you disagree with these statements, then you are the one with a questionable morality. You can always block me. Have a good day.
Israel used the Hannibal Directive to murder their own people on Oct 7th and I have denounced a country killing its own people. Weird that you haven't.
The world has denounced genocide, you're on the wrong side killer
I am a Jew. I am therefore privileged to have been invited to “Israel” more than once. My father-in-law, who was born in Ein Karem, Palestine, in 1936, was only invited to leave his home with bombs dropped on his house, mother and brother. This is not a war. It’s an illegal occupation. A genocide.
Says the guy defending a country that rapes innocent people with dogs, that hangs children’s corpses up in the streets to decompose as a warning, who killed their own as pretext for war…and who has been illegally invading and controlling Palestine for 70 years.
Go look up the assassination of Folke Bernadotte, or the King David Hotel bombing, or the poisoning of the wells, or the massacre at Deir Yassin, or ...
USA, Canada and such came at a time of exploration. They arrived on a land that looked for the most part inhabited. Now by modern standards do i wish it would had been done differently? Absolutely. But i can't rewrite the past. I can only hope for a better futur. Nazis were the agressor, like Gaza.
I'm Ashkenazi, my family hasn't lived in the middle east for countless generations. How can that be my homeland? Do you feel a kinship with anywhere in Africa as an even further 'ancestral homeland' for both of us?
If you "heavily condemn terrorism," then why aren't you condemning ISRAEL'S terrorism? Now here's where you deny that Israel commits terrorism; and here's where I point out the case of Hind Rajab, and here's the part where you go silent and creep away.
Israel wage a war. I am fond of wars and wish we could avoid any, but you get attacked, you have to respond. Same way as i support Ukraine in its right to wage war against Russia after they attacked first.
“If you get attacked, you have to respond” well actually no, you don’t, it’s a choice, but also: Israel attacked first. Colonizing a place is an attack. No matter what happened three thousand years ago, the Jews didn’t live there in 1947.
How do you "wage war" upon people you're occupying?
And your "logic" is equivalent to saying the Nazis were "right" to "respond" to their 'attackers' in the Warsaw Uprising. It's a logic based upon ignorance of the facts on the ground.
No one who argues that Jews should be allowed to live in a secular binational state of Palestine is considered a Zionist, either by themselves or those who do call themselves Zionists. Your definition is (intentionally or not) incomplete.
Tbh it really depends on whose definition of Zionism you're using.
Cultural Zionists don't necessarily believe that a Jewish State is desirable or necessary.
Cultural Zionism, like Bundism, is a historical movement that rapidly lost what few adherents it had following Israeli statehood. It's not a label used by basically any Jews today, regardless of where they stand re: Israel. The more common label for that strain of thought is post-Zionist.
If it would be possible, i would still be in favor of partitioning the land but this seem undoable today. May i remind you that Jews have been driven out of almost every Arab countries. They have ONE country. Arabs have so many. It speak for itself. Honestly i think the best way would be for
Egypt to get Gaza back (but they don't want it) and Israel could have a true border with Gaza with a demilitarized zone akin to between the 2 Koreas. Jordan should get part of the Westbank and again, true border between the 2. The rest is Israel. But neither would agree on this.
Hamas is way better than the illegitimate state that used its prolific Mossad agent/pedophile to film american pedos in both the parties. Jeffrey epstein worked for israel.
"(On Thursday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said it was “up to the governors to decide.”)"
This is the WH statement saying do whatever you want.
Is this enough, or do you need more proof that the democrats were the ones responsible for setting the stage for Trump's illegally detainment policies
i hope you lose everything in the recession actually
And by the way I utterly despise 95% of entire government.
i'm actually completely at a loss for how to fix someone as broken as you are, you need reeducation and a serious kicking the shit out of
go clean putin's hole, mongrel
2. Hoping for people to suffer for disagreeing with you, very liberal, hardly fascist at all
Had it ever occurred to you that lives might be more important than your team winning, you fucking cumstain?
Why am I not surprised the audio file was a rendition by the United States Navy Band?
you can’t make this shit up folks
In fact, Jewish mythology, in Genesis, describes the Hebrews as coming to the region from elsewhere.
Second, the archaeological record shows Gaza is thousands of years older than Jerusalem.
You’re a genocidal Nazi and racist.
Do you believe I have the right to bulldoze houses in Westfalia? My people lived there FAR more recently than pre-1947 Israel existed in Palestine.
Why are those different?
Two of them are arabs.
Your statement are nonsense.
Gaza share borders with Egypt, not only Israel.
Ask yourself why Egypt doesn't open the borders to gazists.
I think you're very confused by hamas lies.
Maybe because that would be ethnic cleansing
You're very confused.
Hamas brainwashed?
Having a good PR makes it no less of one, it only means more people will believe its propaganda.
It was the nationalism period and as any other people the Jews were searching for their safr Lando to live.
It is called autodetermination of the people, and of you thinks that it is vslid for every people except one, well perhaps you're ruining into racism
The world has denounced genocide, you're on the wrong side killer
40,000 children, murdered!
Why are you only condemning the atrocities committed by Hamas?
Says the guy defending a country that rapes innocent people with dogs, that hangs children’s corpses up in the streets to decompose as a warning, who killed their own as pretext for war…and who has been illegally invading and controlling Palestine for 70 years.
It was terrorism.
Go look up the assassination of Folke Bernadotte, or the King David Hotel bombing, or the poisoning of the wells, or the massacre at Deir Yassin, or ...
#DismantleIsrael #FreePalestine
Do you condemn the establishment of the United States? It was founded by terrorists.
What about European resistance to the Nazis? That was terrorism.
Or did you mean that you hate Muslims?
I wasn’t talking about colonization, I was talking about the establishment of the United States by illegal acts of terrorism against the Crown.
Im speaking historical fact. Youre pissing yourself in public. WE (you and I) are not the same
The lesson of my people is we are a people of diaspora. Take your blood and soil bullshit and shove it.
“If you get attacked, you have to respond” well actually no, you don’t, it’s a choice, but also: Israel attacked first. Colonizing a place is an attack. No matter what happened three thousand years ago, the Jews didn’t live there in 1947.
And your "logic" is equivalent to saying the Nazis were "right" to "respond" to their 'attackers' in the Warsaw Uprising. It's a logic based upon ignorance of the facts on the ground.
Cultural Zionists don't necessarily believe that a Jewish State is desirable or necessary.