Crabtree: This decision to pause our pending applications has not led to stopping one btu of US natural gas exports because we are currently exporting 12 billion cubic feet.
Boebert: How many American jobs have been lost? Tens of thousands of jobs have been lost
Crabtree: They have not.
Boebert: How many American jobs have been lost? Tens of thousands of jobs have been lost
Crabtree: They have not.
Why? Whhyyyyy!!!
Crabtree: Pull my finger.
Bobo: Are you sure that this will get the natural gas flowing again?
“How many jobs have been lost?”
“No jobs have been lost.”
“Yes they have.”
No, btch, they have not.
Nice job, Colorado.
Playhouse Handy: "I'm louder, so I'm right!"
Demented felon
Scandinavian countries have very short election cycles, very tight rules and minimal donations.
They regularly rank as the happiest people on the planet
Mystery…. 77 million people…….
Will she ever catch up?
CO-4 is Weld County and surrounding areas. (Weld County's sheriff tried to lead a secession movement from "liberal Denver."
Up here in the Nebraska Panhandle we look south to that district and think they're crazy.
Crabtree: I do have to respond to the issue of jobs
Boebert: No.. the time is expired
She's a goddamn MENSA candidate compared to Bobo and her buddy Marge.
Also, hopefully the next Dem will allow him to answer the fucking question.
I used to staff hearings... this showboating shite drives me nuts.
Let's work towards shutting that off. It will only effect 12 mln workers. Retaliation Tariffs are going to be so much fun
What a turd.
But she is an idiot
--- Every Republican ever since Reagan, and their supporters too.
I was always told, "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool..."