I’m an old boomer and I’m addicted to the Internet, my iPhone, my Apple Watch, all my wonderful apps, Alexa, my smart home, my car that tells me everything without my even asking. And my lovely GPS. I don’t own a TV however.
Unfortunately he didn't learn one damn thing during those 4 years. His psychopathy bars him from learning anything new, even based on past experiences. Must be great to be a psychopath, huh?
a half-Kremlin-hi jacked America is UNIVESTABLE. Not financial advice. Do your own due diligence. That said, my opinion is SELL SELL SELL SELL! GET OUT BEFORE THE OTHER BIG INSTITUTIONS AND COUNTRIES DUMP! SELL ALL FAST BEFORE THE STAMPEDE!
Why don't people highlight this in the media more often. The market has been a bloodbath for folks since chump's been in office. Dollar is weaker, against the pound, euro and yen.
All the gov employees forced to retire or fired that would use investments to keep them a float are losing miserably!
a half-Kremlin-hi jacked America is UNIVESTABLE. Not financial advice. Do your own due diligence. That said, my opinion is SELL SELL SELL SELL! GET OUT BEFORE THE OTHER BIG INSTITUTIONS AND COUNTRIES DUMP! SELL ALL FAST BEFORE THE STAMPEDE!
He's losing multiple basis points per sentence. Someone way smarter than me will be able to calculate the total cost of this speech to retirement accounts.
I mean yes in that retirement is about to be completely fictional for everyone. I can’t help but think of Ben Stillers character from Happy Gilmore. “Good news! Arts and crafts is extended by 4 hours!”
Well that’s fun. Good thing I probably won’t make it to retirement, what with having to join an insurrection to protect Saskatchewan’s potash mines from the Yanks.
See Donny, a treaty is like a contract. You just broke the contract the U. S. had with both Canada and Mexico. Don't expect this to turn out well for you, no matter what you say.
He is a fucking dumbass!!! No clue what the hell he is talking about. No clue what tariffs really do. But hey, why should he give a shit. He just sucks money out of our pockets so he can play golf at his tacky ass place all the while his sycophantic followers and the rest of us are screwed.
This guy is a fool. A grifter and a fool. Dumb as a stick and willing to burn our great republic to the ground to save his own ass as he sells us out to Putin et al. Dumbass. Recession incoming.
The US has invaded foreign countries, deposed democratically elected leaders, and sabotaged the economy of rival nations. Go cry somewhere else, asshole. YOU are the laughing stock, but it has stopped being funny. It's pathetic.
Crybabies are already wringing their hands. They have $10,872 invested in a mutual fund and if they lose $1 more they'll turn their mother into authorities to stop the PAIN.
First measles death in 10 years, deadliest plane crash in 20 years, consumer confidence & stock market are down, inflation & unemployment are up plus he has alienated western democratic allies from Canada to Europe and made the US a Kremlin aligned country
he's driving us into recession in real time on live TV. CNBC crew is apoplectic trying to throw silver linings against the wall. Notice how little talk there is about the massive negative revisions in projected GDP. These are recession numbers. They couldn't stop talking about recession under Biden.
Trump just absolutely refuses to understand how tariffs work. The last interview I saw him in talking tariffs he said that the exporting country paid the tariffs. He is supposed to be a businessman with a college degree. I really have to ask what his degree is in, definitely not business.
He probably does. He does have some cognitive decline going on, so maybe he forgot all that. And if that's actually the case, this guy needs to be removed and put in a rubber room.
They shorted the market, make it tank with this tariffs charade and next week he will lift the tariffs and be rich like hell. The biggest scam ever pulled in the history of the US. Why do you think did they gutted the SEC?
Remember: ALL revenue from Trump’s 1st tariff war used to subsidize farmers for total loss of business. On top of that most of that money went to big corp farms, not independent farms.
Trumplicans are still giving away $TRILLIONS to billionaires, while claiming Social Security is Ponzi scheme.
The market dropped 500 points around early August and NYT was literally doing live updates and blaming Biden and calling it the start of a recession.
Market drops 1000 points immediately after Trump announces tariffs and it’s not even a story.
We are not abusing you. You buy more from us than we buy from you, that's called trade. By the way, your fentanyl problem is not cause by Mexico or Canada. Your problem is your own borders services letting in the drugs. How are we supposed to police that 😤😡
All of this is absurd, but it probably wouldn't hurt for Canadian leadership to remind Canadians that this is a manipulation tactic and provide clear evidence of his lies.
It probably seems unnecessary, but these tactics are designed to sow self-doubt...
It’s deflecting blame. Americans are too proud to admit any kind of fault or imperfection. Unfortunately, Trump is the embodiment of that American arrogance.
What we’re seeing with Trumps boneheaded tariffs is Trump doing something to hurt United Autoworkers President Shawn Fain and their members for supporting Kamala Harris. These tariffs are just another petty act of grievance.
Oh, they know. You think Wall Street doesn't like stock market crashes. They LOVE them but only ones they know are coming. Goldman Sachs made hay as soon as they put the rig in in 2008 by having the government backstop AIG. Wall Street is to make your money their money. How is irrelevant.
All the wealthy folks are watching the ticker so they know when to buy low. When Trump rescinds the tariffs, and the market goes back up, they’ll make a killing.
They don't. He'll backtrack on everything within weeks, if not days. He's just a bully who needs to get punched in the face. I don't why Zelensky didn't cold cock him last week. What good is diplomatic immunity if you're not going to use it?
No matter how much money Musk, Thiel, and Bezos pump into the stock market to keep it artificially inflated the facts are the facts, Musk and Trump are creating a recession maybe a depression!
All he did was literally lie the entire time. I had to turn the sound off and leave room until it was over. I can’t stand it. Why is he not being physically removed?
I think we’re just looking ahead to the imminent crushing of the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, rampant corruption and kleptocracy weakening global confidence in the US, tariff-induced inflation, health sector effects of reductions in Medicaid, worker shortages in immigrant heavy sectors …
rising unemployment from all of the above and the firing of hundreds of thousands of federal employees, fucking around with crypto and other illegitimate bullshit, massive federal budget cuts and impacts on state/local govts, plunging public confidence and social disorder …
and the dismantling of the global economic order that’s been in place for 80+ years. Plus the US joining an authoritarian alliance and abandoning our allies and economic partners. Possible military action against allies. I don’t know, what do you think all this leads to?
I've been waiting a real reckoning since 1998. 2007/2008 housing unwind was as close as we came. Then the Fed put got stuffed down the world's throat for a decade with 0% interest and QE. What do I expect next? More of the same followed by dumb ass politicians letting Fed buy stocks.
Members of The House—Democrat & Republican:
❌ Boycott the speech
🎭 Wear a Putin mask
🔁 Turn your back in protest
Make it clear—we won’t accept his destruction of our democracy!
Lindsey Graham is: Spineless, Coward & Traitor!
Little Marco Rubio Is: Spinless, Hypocrite, Coward & a Traitor!
Trump 0
How many damn data points does one need to see the truth? tRUmp MAGA GQP are RUssian ASSets and traitors to the United States Constitution!This will NOT stand! Patriots from both parties have to rally to end this abomination! We have got to save our democracy, our country and our 🇨🇦🇲🇽 European allies!
Prices of everything is up, healthcare is up, job security is down, housing prices are up, security is down, stock market cratered, and the world is less safe.
It's going to be the fastest, biggest and best economy tanking of all time; Trump wouldn't have it any other way. Going to make the pandemic look like JV.
Article 1, section 8 of the constitution: “Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises”….not POTUS!! Take him to court, there isn’t a national emergency
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
Raise your hand if you have zero interest in watching the State of the Union tomorrow? 🙋♀️ Then join us for a 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 about the state of our union. We'll be joined by Prof. Timothy Snyder, who wrote the book On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Sign up: https://go.redwine.blue/304SS-TH
You're fired Trump! Your work is not up to standard so far & isn't up to our expectations! We have to terminate your employment as of yesterday! Oh & your buddy Vance & Musk!!! 😬
It would be nice to see the status of the Cryptomarke. Expecially since the Right would like it to replace the American economy, which would mean a collapse of everything. Chaos is their real business.
You gotta figure on depression. The indicator is GDP growth below a negative 10, less than 2 months in, and just starting the tariffs and our GDP outlook is negative 2.8, and once they cut Medicaid and all the layoffs begin, it's not a stretch that we could fall below negative 10.
"We're going to win the tariff war": Premier Ford promises if Trump's tariffs come into place tomorrow, he will direct the LCBO, "the largest purchaser of alcohol in the world," to pull all US products.
Kentucky politicians are "losing" their minds, Ford claims.
touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove touch the stove
Republicans: You don't need social security or a pension, you just need to invest in the market.
Also Republicans: Whoops! We keep crashing the market.
I will give the Demented God Emperor Drumpf credit where due, he understands how to lie cheat, con, & grift money out of the most ignorant, uneducated, & irrational Americans.
However he knows very little about business & almost nothing about trade.
I believe we are trying. The issue is that not all refineries can handle Alberta crude. Of course, the counterpoint is true- many American refineries are designed for it, and can't refineries other types....
I agree- more independence and flexibility for the country. We probably made a mistake on not doing a second pipeline (glad the feds did transmountain though) but maybe it is an opportunity to do refining in western Canada.
US population is too dumb in some extent because of Republicans gutting education.
Must watch
All the gov employees forced to retire or fired that would use investments to keep them a float are losing miserably!
That’ll be the standard preamble to everything he crashes until he’s put out to pasture.
Shoulda went all cash in December like me!!
Stable Genius, my ass...
Is that why Republican Presidents Reagan, George HW Bush, and George W Bush didn't put tariffs on our biggest business partners Canada and Mexico?
Trump is insane.
He's just making up shit.
Impeach Trump now!!
NOT taken advantage of in the least and probably the reverse can be said.
Trump is delusional
Dr. Sowell knows about trade.
Trumplicans are still giving away $TRILLIONS to billionaires, while claiming Social Security is Ponzi scheme.
50 states, 50 protest, 1 day
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Diderot
Market drops 1000 points immediately after Trump announces tariffs and it’s not even a story.
All of this is absurd, but it probably wouldn't hurt for Canadian leadership to remind Canadians that this is a manipulation tactic and provide clear evidence of his lies.
It probably seems unnecessary, but these tactics are designed to sow self-doubt...
So it is important to have calm, clear, and concise evidence to help ground people in reality.
Hopefully your leaders will do a better job than ours in the US did.
When it comes to tariffs….McKinley. All I’m going to say. Go read about McKinley.
Let’s all agree from now on that they don’t know shit.
Wait…I don’t have any money
One, we will drop the gloves to defend ourselves, no matter the size of the bully.
Two, it gives us every reason to diversify our trade. It's good in the long run.
Bonus, it hurts Trump now. You're welcome America.
❌ Boycott the speech
🎭 Wear a Putin mask
🔁 Turn your back in protest
Make it clear—we won’t accept his destruction of our democracy!
Lindsey Graham is: Spineless, Coward & Traitor!
Little Marco Rubio Is: Spinless, Hypocrite, Coward & a Traitor!
Trump 0
by how FAST his ARMS are making ACCORD MOVEMENTS!
Or are we skipping that BS excuse
I'm starting an official petition to the Canadian government to explore joining the EU.
I need 5 Canadian co-signers to get it started. Any takers?
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
Drip. Drip.
#wakeup #AmericaUnited #3E
Full steam ahead!!…
Whatever it takes to the Nazi sudo-cars out.
Kentucky politicians are "losing" their minds, Ford claims.
Also Republicans: Whoops! We keep crashing the market.
We're basically a sitcom on season 14.
However he knows very little about business & almost nothing about trade.
Drumpf will ruin America.
Orange dicKtator says 25% tariffs on imports from Canada, Mexico begin on Tuesday
S & P down -132 points
NASDAQ down -590 points
Dow Jones down -798 points
Musk Tesla - 2.84%