This Canadian loves John Ossoff and always thought he'd rise. He's a gifted, almost poetic, communicator, reminds me of Bobby Kennedy. Get him in front of bigger audiences! ❤️📣
This is GREAT! He was SO effective, calling out David Perdue that Perdue was left speechless. Couldn't argue anything. And it was all FACT.
Maybe Jon is fired up now! Hope so!
So when do the MAGAts, the 50.2% who voted for Trump-Musk, get their check for a $1m? This is the "new golden age of America" as Trump promised. When do the 99.9% get theirs?
NSDAP - The German Nazi Party appeared as a party of the working class, but was led and controlled by the country's wealthiest upper-class aristocrats.
I like our chances going forward with people like this.
There’s a strong bench out there,, including Kamala Harris,,
and Gavin fucking Newsom made the wrong move bringing 2 provable liars on his show to just lie more,, done.
Does anyone understand what the hell Gavin Newsom is doing? Has he always been this way? On the outside looking in, I thought he was a great guy and a great contender for 2028.
I agree,, he was part of the strong bench,, then he just seemed to lose his fucking mind. Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk lie and gaslight. It’s been proven!!
You don’t give them any platform for any fucking reason..
This isn’t just noticeable in their combined net worth, it’s also noticeable in their public statements and actions like Lutnick saying only fraudsters would complain about missing a social security check or Elon cutting access to social security by closing phone lines and offices.
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
The gothy, vampy, just wants a little respect Elon. Waving around a chainsaw, desperately repeating his flat jokes so we’ll finally get it—and get him—trying to make ‘Dark MAGA’ a thing. (That little war cry he uttered was hella kewt, not gonna lie.)
Finally someone said it. Everyday people think some of the wealthy in congress are the swamp and the billionaire elite are there to clean it up? Monopolies are good? Extorting people is a function of govt? These are the good guys? Come on
They don’t pretend anything anymore.. they are in power and shoving it up our arses..trump dumped maga voters too.. but they still refuse to accept they are in the boat with the woke now
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Estimated 13 of the 800 US billionaires are in the Trump cabinet. Not career federal employees. So much for a representative government. The US census bureau reports the average annual salary is $59,000.
Ossoff is a great example of hoe we have a lot of talent and a deep bench. They should have been given a chance before now. Sick of the geriatrics who stayed far too long and didn’t let go.
Totally agree with you, except the last sentence sounds like past tense when we know they have not yet let go! Got into this discussion last week here and was called an ageist. I don't think it's ageist to want some younger ideas and younger brains in the mix.
I’m sorry but the face of our party has been Pelosi, Schumer and Biden for far too long. Dems seem to live by the next in line formula, which while noble, relies on these geriatric patients willingly moving aside and passing the torch. They don’t seem good at that.
The majority of Gen Z - first time voters - didn't vote for young Harris they voted overwhelmingly for old Trump. Explain that one to me. I'd say AOC joining MTG and Trump protecting Chinese propaganda on TikTok is part of the reason
Young people are looking for meaning since their entire life is on a phone so they are going to churches and listening to the mansophere podcast world. They are turning into MAGA Christians at an alarming rate and it's been happening for several years now.
Social media is both a blessing and a huge curse. It has been weaponized and should have been protected. Scary times. I had a lot of faith in the younger generation but they are most at risk it seems. Attacking education is a tactic.
I was just amazed how we can focus on Ric! The one Sheriff who holds the key to Ruining trump’s golf game while simultaneously saving the public 24 million, weekly!
Jordan Klepper and #TheDailyShow has proven that time and time again to the red hat herd yet, goes right over their collective head.
An entire population so stuck on rabid hate and ignorance that they overlook getting royally screwed as though it's part of the entry fee to their cult.
I have a close relative who is very wealthy and MAGA to the max and she talks about the “elites” all the time, never understanding that she might just be one herself.
It's so common in MAGA world. The top hosts on Fox get paid something like $20M a year to complain about "the elites." It's all about giving their audience someone to hate (and deflect their attention from the people that are really screwing their lives up).
Oh! Is this a DEMOCRAT doing something? Like every democrat out holding town halls all over the country? With actual constituents? Not a fundraising tour?
So true, I remember my Beatnik parents protesting these things until a certain amount of complacency set in. I'm hoping that this is the last desperate attempts made by a dying system.
The same elites who pay -0- in taxes but are taking control of the US Treasury, the funds from our taxes that pays our SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps & eliminating our benefits, our jobs, while they live high on the hog ripping us off with high prices for their comodity that made them rich. 🤔
I’m in her district (no I did not vote for her 🤢) if she does announce that she’s running for the senate, she may beat Ossoff. It would be an interesting race. She had to move to win her congressional seat; not many folks like her.
If you stop to think about it, taking the combined wealth of just the 1% would solve a lot of the problems in this country but they are so fucking greedy and corrupt that can’t even manage to legally pay their taxes. How much money is enough? How can this be remedied
“Let’s look at the people who [now] are leading this charge… this charge against democracy. Ah, you know, Ted Cruz went to Princeton and Harvard Law, ah, Josh Hawley went to Yale…”
Jason Stanley Warns: “America Is Now In Fascism’s Legal Phase” | Amanpour and Company
“Law, J.D. Vance, Yale Law. These are the elites of the elites. These aren’t just the elites. They are the elites of the elites, and they know EXACTLY what they’re doing.”
100000 Americans can literally stroll through the White House and remove Trump. Block his helicopter and take him into custody. We can stop this by taking a stroll.
Agree. Been watching from Canada and wondering how he isn't a superstar. He deserves so much more attention than he gets. It's OK to root for the good guys. Plain talkers who speak the truth are oh-so-needed right now.
Another example of money can never make you happy. A deep hole of insecurity cannot be filled with oodles of money but a therapist can set you on the right path.
Who knew?
Ask yourself how some of the least prosperous can be happy? when you do this- take questions from pple so they get their voices heard. These can not be like political rallies. This is problem w today-you speak great but you are speaking at the people instead of listening to them to by allowing them to ask questions.
I think you are exactly right. A civil war can very much be a class war. Corrupt money and power is the real issue here. They have no
Power if the money is taken away. Stop to think about it….
No they ran for money, power & opportunity for more money.
They don’t care about the constitution or the people who voted for them. The quicker you realize this the quicker you will never vote republican again.
The Dems believe in their oath to the constitution & that’s why ppl call them weak.
Wow, it's amazing so many of you are tricked into thinking that he actually cares. This is just the start of his reelection campaign and nothing more. Full of hot air and empty promises.
Term limits but I do not see that in my life time. I only see my future being troubled with the Billionaires running scared or craving on the Constitution. The king taking roots and will not go!
John Ossoff is an excellent communicator. He ought to join Bernie and AOC and do rallies around the country. Americans need to be listened to, heard and told the truth no matter how awful so we can come up with solutions to make our lives and our country better.
Love love Ossoff. He is truly a constituent’s Senator. Goes the extra mile. Please Georgians thoroughly check him out before you vote. He is working for you now!
It's sad how the least educated often search for saviours among those who despise them the most. One thing is true in all instances, religion is always at the centre of such self depreciating love for proverbial masters.
I’m starting to see more elected reps speaking out. I haven’t seen leadership speaking out though? If Schumer and Jeffries are, great! But I have yet to see it.
AND the MAGAts are claiming they need to cut spending (by cutting off taxpayer funded social, science, and healthcare programs WE need but THEY don't) while bragging about new MULTI BILLION dollar fighter jet programs and TRILLION dollar military invasions of sovereign countries!?!?!
Trump treats America as a business venture.They are all cashing in.All the billionaires lining up for their cut.He is destroying the country.
job is to vote to confirm if Person is qualified, not if you disagree w/positions.
Only 8 of 21 confirmed had little Dem opposition; those are ones Osoff voted to confirm .
13 had 1 or 2 Dems but passed by simple Repug majority. Osoff voted against these completely unqualified nominees.
They pretend to be with the regular people but they are not! If someone doesn’t know it, reading this they should now. If they do know it, why are they following the dishonesty? IDK…
Fucking THISSSSSSSS “he’s the only one who cares about us! He’s looking out for us!” No you fat dink, he’s looking out for the rich, he just SAYS he cares about the wee folk.
"Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies."
It's pretty important to remember that the 'elites' they hate are government workers who know and follow the law. The 1% have always considered themselves above such petty things like law, accountability and responsibility. So when they stoke hate, they use a term they deliberately have fucked with.
It's so disgusting. Obscene wealth, and STILL not happy enough to just quietly live in wretched excess. No, they have to go even further to fuck every last nickle out of the rest of us.
Maybe Jon is fired up now! Hope so!
There’s a strong bench out there,, including Kamala Harris,,
and Gavin fucking Newsom made the wrong move bringing 2 provable liars on his show to just lie more,, done.
You don’t give them any platform for any fucking reason..
Ossof-AOC 2036 & 2040
AOC-Maxwell Frost 2044 & 2048
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
It means coordination
Google it‼️
They take the Courts, Government, Schools and Press and make sure they are Loyalists.
Trump’s Billionaire Loyalists own all the media and spread his Lies and Conspiracy Theories, and attempt to normalize him
And Nancy Pelosi is the smartest political mind in the business.
She forced Joe out. They don’t speak any longer.
She said the other day that if Biden had gotten a year earlier then the Dems would have had a primary.
The D bench will get younger soon. Experience? 🙏
Not acting.
Call/Write/Email/Fax ⬇️
Palm Beach Sheriff Ric Bradshaw.
Demand Ric tell trump “No.”
Thank you!😊
I was just amazed how we can focus on Ric! The one Sheriff who holds the key to Ruining trump’s golf game while simultaneously saving the public 24 million, weekly!
An entire population so stuck on rabid hate and ignorance that they overlook getting royally screwed as though it's part of the entry fee to their cult.
Americans can't think? They "swallowed" populist slogans like ecstasy
that’s a non-starter
Having said that…
I’d vote for a fucking parking meter at this point.
This is where we are.
Jason Stanley Warns: “America Is Now In Fascism’s Legal Phase” | Amanpour and Company
Who knew?
Ask yourself how some of the least prosperous can be happy?
And they’re just going along with it because he told them to.
Go Georgia 🇺🇸📢🇺🇸📢
Democrats need to use the same tactic, but with billionaires and the top 1%. This is a class war, not D's vs. R's or liberals vs conservatives.
Eat the rich before they eat you.
Power if the money is taken away. Stop to think about it….
Primary his ass.
to the Constitution?
WHY are they so quick to violate their own promise
to their voters and our families?
They don’t care about the constitution or the people who voted for them. The quicker you realize this the quicker you will never vote republican again.
The Dems believe in their oath to the constitution & that’s why ppl call them weak.
Please sign and share
We now know who the real deep state they clamor on about is
It is them
Always has been
Ossoff is great though definitely
As opposed to the rich men in Richmond itself, the capital of the Confederacy.
-> <-
Mahatma Gandhi
The Dems are and always were weak
This is why we are where we are now
Only 8 of 21 confirmed had little Dem opposition; those are ones Osoff voted to confirm .
13 had 1 or 2 Dems but passed by simple Repug majority. Osoff voted against these completely unqualified nominees.
Billionaires do NOT work for anyone other than themself.
Suddenly billionaires lined up FOR PUBLIC SERVICE.
Perhaps Billionaires wanted US Secret Service protection because billionaires know they are NOT safe.
Never more.
Sorry but this guy isn’t near the top of any of my “next up” lists for Dems.
I noticed they are not concerned if his drug use harms him.
Worst humans ever.