That beat the half-arsed tribute they did for the 60th, at the Worst Oscars Show Ever... no one called Connery the GOAT this time, but the performances were good. Raye was likely to be singing the next theme even before that, right? #Oscars
Yeah. He lingered off the stage and then lobbed his gum to his wife. Who then had to push his speech along... Sheesh.
And then getting played off twice? What a pillock.
Well, this is probably the last time I'll do this for at least a few years, Monday morning quarterback dad from next year. Bring Conan back every year, and tase Adrien Brody on sight. Night night.
Absolute cluster-f of releasing. Caught it on Max on Valentine's Day. That Curzon decided to withhold it until after the season instead of in the midst, Feb's been quiet enough to let it Flow out.
And then getting played off twice? What a pillock.