ben i really enjoy your work and this cartoon is way before your time but just wanted to say it’s difficult to not imagine your character as anyone other than presto the magician I am extremely jealous of your life. Reporting on football at a national level and playing D&D in your spare time. Marvellous.
It is really fun, but finding a group can be a challenge! I'm lucky that I play with a group where we've been friends since college and are all nerdy in similar ways (though I'm the only sports-inclined nerd of the group)
Man, if that ain't the biggest of moods. I don't think I've made a legitimate new friend since I was like 26-27, and even those happened mostly by accident
The two most important things are that everyone role plays in good faith, respecting other players/characters for what they are (even if they have opposing views/alignments), and, MOST IMPORTANTLY:
If a group is not filled with people that respect each other's time, it's doomed from the start.
I’ve seen versions online that are kinda like an analog Madden where you simulate games as a team, but I think it’d be fun to rp a charismatic QB or a wild WR or goofy Tackle or something using something like the 5e system
WR/CB - rogue
RB/S - ranger
TE/LB - monk
DL - barbarian
OL - druid
Belichick - Warlock
Not your PC, you as a person.
If a group is not filled with people that respect each other's time, it's doomed from the start.
We all failed the CMD's, got tripped, and that was that.